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Sunday, October 03, 2010


So I was out last night, at a public telescope viewing put on by an astronomy club. And you know what? It was NOT hot and muggy!!

The air was cool. Not cold, and not cool by your standards (I am assuming readers are north of the 30 degree parallel). But here at 25.45 degrees north, the night air had just a hint of coolness.

And low humidity. Again not low for you if you are in an arid region - but for swampy South Florida it was "dry".

So fall is here. It arrived on time this year! Usually it is late. It can be well into November before I notice anything.

Well for this fall / winter I have a lot of things to plan for! I hope to be able to do a lot of things I usually want to do, but never get around to it. Outdoors types of things. Kayaking. Cycling. Maybe camping - or at least full day trips to Everglades National Park. All that kind of stuff.

Yes, this is going to be a great winter season. Better than the last one, the one before that, and so on.