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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Should I Do It?

Do I need to buy this thing?

Reasons to buy:
1. Why not?
2. This is a flat bottom boat with a very shallow draft. The boat I have now is a semi-V hull and needs at least 2 or 3 feet of water.
3. This boat boat sits low in the water, and would make the perfect boat for netting lobster in the shallow grass flats.
4. This boat is perfect for the "Wilderness Waterway" area of Everglades National Park

Reasons to not buy:
1. The cost. I would have to finance this beast. I get a pretty good rate through the Bank Of Dad.
2. There is nothing wrong with the Wellcraft, other than it is not a good shallow water boat and it does not have very much room for netting lobster.
3. This boat, having a flat bottom hull, will be a rough ride in any kind of chop. Unless the water is glass smooth, this boat will rattle your guts.

NOTE - this is the "Blind Duck" version of the boat. I will not pay for the grass camo paint, plain old olive drab (the standard color) is what I will get. This boat is designed for duck hunters, meaning it has the width for proper stability when standing and shooting a 12 guage at ducks. I do not duck hunt, but I would be standing while bully netting for lobster, or going after bonefish.


Blogger TLP said...

Would you get rid of the other boat? Can you afford to have both boats? If so, buy it.

Unless you plan to get married in this lifetime. Then maybe saving for a house is a better option.

Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Aren't you afraid of gators?

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

This is like my debating whether or not to buy a particular piece of jewelry.

As The Other Half says, if it makes you happy and you can afford to do it, why not? No wonder I'm still with him!

I think you should get it. It will only enhance your quality of life and make you a happier person, right?

Blogger dddragon said...

How many birthdays and xmas gifts would it count as if it were a gift from the parental units?

Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

Stick with the boat you have. Paying a bunch of money to have your guts shaken out doesn't sound good to me.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

Would you use both boats enough to justify owning them both or would one of them end up collecting dust?

Perhaps you could rent a boat like this for those times when you wish to chase lobster? Then if it looks like you would use it enough you could go ahead and purchase it. I hate financing anything if I can avoid it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only problem I see is what are you going to do when it is wabbit season and not duck season. Don't know about you but I'd rather be hunting rabbit...... shhh be vewy quiet.....

Blogger Lila said...

Geez, I dunno, LI. Close call. Only you can know what to do. TLP and godlessmom make some good points...


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