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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Who Was The Genius Behind This Idea?

Who decided to screw with the clocks? More importantly, WHY did someone decide to screw with the clocks?

This time of year, everyone turns their clock forward one hour. Why? Well because everyone else is doing it. And why does everyone else do it??

As far as I can tell, everyone turns their clocks forward because some jackass on TV tells them to. So like good sheep, we all say "OK man on the TV! We shall turn our clocks forward just like you said! Please tell us what else we should do!"

This is just insane. It does not make the day any longer, the sun still rises and sets based on the rotational speed and tilt of the Earth. Yet, far too many people try to explain to me how the day is longer - all because millions of people mess with a clock.

Now I know what you are thinking. What about the farmers? To that I say "Good question! What about the farmers? Are you one? Do you know one? Do you know anyone who has a brother who has a friend whose cousion said that he dated a girl who knew a guy who has a sister that married a farmer?

Very few people today are farmers. And if a farmer wants to get up early - hey this is a free country! Nobody is going to stop them.

But I like to drive home in the daylight you say. OK, fine. It just so happens that during the summer, the sun is in the sky for longer periods of time - thanks to the tilt of the Earth. Once again, there is no need to screw with my clock.

What we need is a people's revolution. REFUSE to mess with your clock. For this revolution to work, EVERYONE has to do it. Or at least 90% of the workforce. When you arrive to work - at the CORRECT TIME - announce that as you walk in. Say "All you idiots who wanted to show up one hour early - I hope you realize you will not be paid for it".

If some jerk wants to tell you that your late - laugh at them. Say "what, just because you are insane and decided to set your clock forward one hour you think everyone should do it? What is that communist crap!?!?

And if enough people did this, it would end the daylight savings time madness. If everyone just leaves the clocks alone, the idea will die out quickly. And the Earth will continue to rotate and revolve around the sun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, this time change crap sucks goat rectum!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw... currently drinking a chimay brand belgian ale. 8% alcohol by volume. a little bitter, kinda like titanics triple screw in my opinion. would i buy it again? probably not as i'm not a fan of bitter beers.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Triple Screw, as I remember it, is not really "bitter". The White Star IPA is bitter.

Chimay is OK. I am more of a fan of the British style ales than Belgian beers - but both are pretty good. Belgian beer can be like a German style wissen, a Chech style Pilsner, a British style ale, or something unique to Belgium - the fruit beers and limbacks come to mind. Truly, a wild place to go pub hopping.

Blogger TLP said...

I'm with actonbell. It's only annoying the first day. After that, who cares?

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I care! Its the principle!

F everyone else and their mass insanity.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Yeah, I agree. And I'm totally suffering due to DST this morning after a rough weekend. But it all started with Jimmy Carter, so blame HIM. His idea was that it would save money because lights would go on later, heat would go on later... etc. I'd like to see the stats that show it actually makes any diff at all, though!

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

Iggy, I'm with you. How much electricity does this save, anyway? Yesterday morning was hell.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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