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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What The Hell did We Do, And For What Reason?

Democracy is on the march. That is what George Bush would say about Afghanistan. After all, the Taliban is gone. There were elections. The people choose a government. Afghanistan has a constitution.

How could any of this be bad? Those no good "liberals" who wanted things in Afghanistan to fail lost. Right? This is what Bush has been saying. Victory. Mission accomplished. Right?

Wrong. All bullshit. Afghanistan is not any better off now than under the Taliban. The mission to "spread freedom and democracy" has totally failed.

The neo-conservatives like to talk about Edmund Burke. Mr. Burke was part of the Whig Party back in the late 1700s. If the neo-cons were to truly read AND understand what Mr. Burke was saying, they would realize that Mr. Burke said the French Revolution would not work because one can not just overthrow a government and set up something totally different and expect it to work. And Mr. Burke was correct - the French Revolution paved the way for the reign Of Terror and the many beheadings.

The American Revolution worked ONLY because of the Magna Carta of 1215. The Magna Carta limited the power of the King Of England. Over the centuries, the powers of the king were further limited - so the idea of a President elected by the people in 1776 was not exactly an "out there" idea.

What Burke had to say about the French revolution is that the people of France should just accept the fact that there was a king, and deal with it. Limit the King's power, and chip away at the kingly powers slowly and over time.

In other words, ideas like freedom and democracy are just that - IDEAS. Fact on the other hand is fact.

But obviously George Bush does not know this. And because he does not understand the foundation of the very system he represents, he is doomed to be remembered as the biggest failure of any American President.

Lets just take Afghanistan for an example. According to afghan law, POST TALIBAN, it is possible to be sentenced to DEATH for the crime of converting from Islam to Christianity.

This is progress? This is why Americans are risking their lives to "spread freedom"? And if this is what is going on in Afghanistan, where according to President Dumb Shit things are going so well, hat hope do we hold to Iraq?

Face it - this war is a total failure. Freedom and/or democracy can not just be instantly imposed on a region of the world through force. Edmund Burke knew this in 1790- - too bad Bush does not know this today.

Seeing as how I DO get international readers to my blog, I would like to say this:

Dear International Reader,

Not all Americans are dumb as a post. Not all Americans support this mad man who seems to have usurped power. We, the sane Americans, sincerely apologize for all that George Bush has done, and we only hope you can forgive America for "electing" the asshole in the first place.


Blogger Jane said...

An International Reader writes...

We know not all Americans are stupid

I think you will be forgiven for George but there may be issues if Jeb gets voted President ;-)

Blogger Lissette said...

I don't know that our president was elected into the presidency. He stole the first election, I'm convinced of this. I'm convinced he wasn't supposed to be our president in the first place. The second time around, whatever. He was already there and the country was already going down the shitter because of him so nothing really changed. I was hoping it would, but it didn't.

I DID NOT vote for George W the first time around, and I definitely did not vote for him the second time around, and I have NEVER supported him. I think the Dixie Chicks got it right. I'm ashamed to have him for a president and that his brother is our governor.

Blogger TLP said...

I am so embarrassed that Bush is the president. And just think, I live in PA. We have Santorum for a senator. *hanging head in shame*

Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO MORE BUSHIT. whatever happened to that bumpersticker eh?

since you got me started on bushit...
1) big three american auto makers continue to produce gas hogs with little interest in making fuel efficient vehicles.

GM destroyed all the electric cars they made deeming them not a worthwhile venture. the cars had a 70 mile range per charge, all the comforts and even a kid could plug them into the charger safely.

the guy that said americans dont care about fuel efficicent cars should go count hondas on the road right now. honda has the best overall MPG rating of any automaker.

our president is responsible for a war and also tied to the oil industry. surprise surprise.. the big three automakers have had DoD ties for years. ponder that.

2) ever looked over the patriot act carefully? if you havent you should. books (actual U.S. army manuals mind you) you could buy on the shelf at a military surplus store before 911 are now considered grounds for an fbi investigation. trust me, i know about this one.

better not take pictures of any goverment buildings or mass transit installations. we dont care if your tax dollars paid for the building. dont beleive me.. go stand infront of a metrorail station and start taking pictures. within a short time you'll be wondering who you killed since you'll be getting soo much attention from the guard.

3) tightened airport security.. more bushit.. sure we are making the country safer by opening all of your baggage and going through your stuff. you guys that like to watch planes, we're gonna closely watch you too.

however, if you want to get a close look at a plane thats not landing or flying away and maybe even catch one with the door open just go through the cargo entrance to the airport. at least in one major city that i happen to live very close to, the only thing keeping "evil" people from the planes is a chain link fence. while you are there wave at the guys in the airtraffic control tower. you'll be less than 20 feet away.

I didnt vote for this guy and i sure hope that next time around people will come to their senses.

now, democrats arent a bowl of cherries either. traditionally democrats have been all about helping everyone, including those too damn lazy to get a freaking job who choose to sit at home and do nothing but breed. i think all those people on welfare should be put to work on gov projects. the ones that live in the projects should be assigned tasks in the upkeep and repair of their dwellings. i dont care how old or dumb you are. theres something you can do. enough with the freeloading and breeding just to get more welfare money.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Afghanistan represents a sadly missed opportunity. If the United States had stayed out of Iraq we could have focused our energies on REALLY making Afghanistan into a true shining example of modern reform.

I agree with your thoughts regarding gradual change rather than a sudden switcho-changeo when it comes to governmental change. Perhaps a benign dictatorship to begin with followed by local and then national elections? Focus at first on health, social reform, economic opportunity and education, once people get a taste of what modern thought can do for a country the rest can follow.

Can you imagine? If Afghanistan went from the Taliban to something that resembles Turkey? Then perhaps the entire middle east would lift itself out of the dark ages in pursuit of the freedoms of enlightenment.

But, unfortunately for us we have dip-shit at the helm so Afghanistan AND Iraq are in the shitter and our reputation is in tatters. It will take decades to undo the damage caused by this administration. I hope the world lasts that long.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out a rare pro Bush opinion that contradicts what you are saying at

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Well done!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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