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Friday, April 27, 2007

Where Was The Toothbrush Invented?

Do not bother to Google the question. I already know the answer.

But first........NEW IGUANA MUSIC! To go with this post. And now.........


Really. Someone was able to fax their way out of State Prison. Here is how the highly sophisticated escape plot went down.


"HICKMAN, Ky. - Officials released a prisoner from a state facility after receiving a phony fax that ordered the man be freed, and didn’t catch the mistake for nearly two weeks.

Timothy Rouse, 19, is charged with beating an elderly western Kentucky man and was at the Kentucky Correctional & Psychiatric Center in La Grange for a mental evaluation. He was released from that facility on April 6 after officials received the fake court order.

It contained grammatical errors, was not typed on letterhead and was faxed from a local grocery store. The fax falsely claimed that the Kentucky Supreme Court “demanded” Rouse be released."

Get that so far? This Rouse guy beats up an old woman and gets sent to the clink. So far so good! So he had someone send a fax from a grocery store, claiming that the Kentucky Supreme Court demanded the man's release. So the prison staff let him go.

Here is a transcript of the actual conversation, provided to me by my vast spy network

"Hey Clem, we got this here sheet of paper on that that fancy machine. What do you think it says?"

"Beats me Bo! I am just the jail warden, you know I quit going to that school place in the 7th grade!"

"Huh. Me too. I think this squiggly line is the letter M".

"Aww hell Bo, just go find someone that can read that thing so I can get back to watching the NASCAR race!"

And it gets better! Oh yes, it gets better!

From MSNBC again.

"Prison officials did not notice that the fax came from the grocery store because policies in place did not require checking the source of a faxed order, said the LaGrange facility’s director, Greg Taylor.

“It’s not part of a routine check, but certainly, in hindsight, that would perhaps have caused somebody to ask a question,” he said. He added that misspellings on orders are common."

They did not notice that the fax came from a grocery store? Don't fax machines usually TELL YOU the name of the place and phone number the fax was sent from? And they do not check the source of an order from "the supreme court" demanding a release?

I like the part about misspellings on orders being common the best. The Kentucky Supreme Court commonly sends faxed orders containing spelling errors?

Can ANYONE in a position of authority in the State of Kentucky read?!!? Does anyone in Kentucky know about these things called "computers" and "spell check"? Spelling errors on official orders are common?! Really?

Oh yea, about the title question.

The toothbrush was invented in Kentucky.
If it were invented anywhere else, it would have been called a TEETH brush.

Teeth. As in more than one tooth. I know that some prison officials may not get this joke, so I should probably mention that there are singular and plural forms of words. The theory behind this is very complicated, so if you are an official in Kentucky I might suggest you go back to the third grade. In another State.

In other completely unrelated news, it is Friday! Will there be more news? Will I make more fun of Kentucky? Will anything exciting happen today? Will there be something to be happy about going down today? Might I go out in the boat this weekend because bay waters are forecast to be "smooth" Saturday?

Maybe, most likely, possibly, could be but who knows, and it depends on what else happens. Those are the answers to the above questions. In order. OR ARE THEY! No, they are. OR NOT! Seriously they are. MAYBE!

I should quit while I am ahead here. Blogger has a quota on bad jokes per day, and I am at that limit.



Blogger M@ said...

Kentucky is still adjusting to this facsimilie (sic) technology. Give them time.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Yea. Technology takes time to adjust to.

Just last month, the standard method to send a document was by fox.

/joke stolen from a Mel Brooks movie

Blogger Dave said...

The Lazy,

I use to think Kentucky had the dumbest white people but then I went to West Virginia. It must be the coal dust.

If I ever find out who invented floss I'm going to beat the crap out of them. I don't like lieing to that cute blonde dental hygenist.

Blogger Daisy said...

Those prison officials are knuckleheads. It must have been faxed from a Publix, so they assumed that meant it was from a public office. Or something.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Caiman - my cute dental hygienist can say whatever she wants. I am usually not listening that carefully to her. I am too busy looking at stuff.

I figure it is OK to gawk at the rack, there is no way I can hit on her after she dislodges all that crap from my teeth. I pretty much get a free man pig stare at the boobs pass there.

Daisy - I think the fax was from Publix. It all fits together now.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how dumb....all court orders are hand delivered. Someone is gonna get fired!

why do they call it a toothbrush, when we have more than one tooth it should be a teethbrush.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Because the guy who invented it had only one single, solitary, funky green tooth left in his head.

He did not call it a teethbrush for that reason. It was just for his one lonely tooth.

I think he lived in Hickman, Kentucky and was in charge of a prison / mental hospital.

Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Shouldn't that be "Teethsbrush" ?


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