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Friday, July 01, 2005

Saga of the Mystery Cat Part IV - A new Name

So I have continued to feed the mystery cat. Needless to say, the three cats I already have are not very happy about this. Like good capitalist kitties, they HATE to share resources like food.

Here we can see the Mystery Cat and Gigi. Gigi will hiss and frizz up when the Mystery Cat looks at her, but I have never once seen the Mystery Cat show any signs of hostility towards her. My cats are just plain rude.

And the Mystery Cat has a name! I started to call him "Inky". If he ends up getting adopted, I will have Inky (mystery cat), Blinky (Gigi), Pinky (Sake) and Clyde (Fred).

You might have noticed that these are the names of the ghosts from the classic 80s arcade game hit Pac-Man.

I will also have 1 orange cat, 1 white cat, 1 black cat, and 1 black, orange, and white cat.


Blogger GodlessMom said...

Pac Man rules!!! I think you've been officially adopted.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Not yet he is not. I am going away for a week in 21 days. As it is now, putting the cats up in their vacation cage at the vet is going to cost $24 per day. With Inky, the cost will be $32 per day. So for 7 days it will cost $168 without Inky and $224 with him.

I still do not what with the two lizards. I might have to smuggle Max in again.

Blogger dddragon said...

Poor Inky! Named but not Vetted!

lol. You're a good guy, but you've got to know that you're stuck now!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww. I love cats. I wish I wasn't soooo allergic to them! Inky will be the Fourth Muskateer. You have to take him in. Teach those capatalist pussies a lesson! *g*

Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Cats are funny like that for visiting around, there are some that even hang around the dogs.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...thats alot of cat piss.. you must have one bigass litter box!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

There are three litter boxes that need scooping.


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