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Friday, September 16, 2005

Smoking The Good Stuff.

Normally, I am a fairly reasonable person. But every so often I do something crazy. Not Ted "Unibomber" Kaczynski crazy or anything, just a little crazy.

So I joined a mail list. The mail list was created mainly for people into radio as a hobby, but it has attracted a fair number of people that need to be on the Department Of Homeland Security watch list. Not that they are dangerous or anything - they are just insane. Or at least, more insane than me. They do not need to be given anything sharper than a plastic knife.

For example, there is one guy who I will just call "Guy who sits in the back of the Greyhound bus talking to his ham sandwich (GWSITBOTGBTTHHS for short). GWSITBOTGBTTHHS is one of the people involved in an in depth discussion about the disaster. THAT disaster. The one on TV all the time.

Normally I just delete messages with the same topic line, but in this case I got sucked into the topic. Usually the topic is something retarded, like what is the best antenna connector or why the world would be a better place if there were no Morse Code to worry about. I do a lot of message deleting.

Anyway, GWSITBOTGBTTHHS maintains that everything that should have been done WAS done, but the liberal media will never report it. He also maintains that FEMA has "incident commanders" working hard for us 24 hours a day, and that nobody was sitting on their hands during the disaster. Michael Brown was not important, he was just the director of press confrences - the REAL work was being done by the incident commanders working so hard 24 hours a day. He also thinks that the military was mobilized 5 days before the storm.

So here was my reply that I sent to the list. EVERYONE on the list. I will probably get kicked off, but that is OK.

-- START --

Yea. The liberal Fox News Network at it again. Those guys! Always with the liberal propaganda. Good thing we have all these websites created by anonymous crazy people to get the REAL news from huh?

And thank goodness for all those "incident commanders" working 24 hours a day! I feel so much better now. What could they be working on for all that time? Probably making up all sorts of plans to react to any possible disaster. That or smoking tons of pot and watching Spongebob Squarepants. The 7-11 down the street operates 24 hours a day too, maybe we should make 7-11 workers "incident commanders" as well. At least they could keep the coffee machines working.

And I do not think people at the top in FEMA sat on their hands. I maintain that they were in fact sitting on their thumbs. Or maybe they were sitting on the photocopier, and faxing copies of their ass to random numbers. They have to do something to stay amused for all those long hard hours they put in, planning for incidents like hurricanes. The point is, you are right - no hands were involved.

The military mobilized 5 days before the storm? Are you talking about the US military? Lets do some math here. Keep in mind I did not major in math, my addition might be a little off. 5 days before the storm, plus another 4 days to actually get to the far away, remote, moon republic of Louisiana equals 9 days. Even Delta airlines can get to Louisiana in less time than that - and that includes waiting for the luggage. For that matter, I can drive there in less time. I could be in Alaska in 9 days. Of course, I have far more resources than the military, so it is not fair to compare how long it takes me to drive to Mississippi to how long it took federal agencies to get there. Nobody knows this, but MY truck has a V-6 engine! The military does not have access to this level of technology.

I do not know what is more insane - your assertion that FEMA did a great job or my idea that a goldfish can be trained to breathe air and walk on a leash. I go through more goldfish that way!

-- END --

This email should add to my reputation in the group. I have a good idea what my reputation is, but I do not care.


Blogger TLP said...

*Bowing* and laughing. I am in absolute awe.

You rule. You made sense and you made me laugh. You rock and rule.

Blogger Lissette said...

I don't care what anyone else says (they're probably all talking crap about me too), but I love what you say. It makes sense, something most of the guys (and one very looney chick) there don't have. You're reputation is that of a drunken liberal, but we all love you for it anyways!

Blogger The Devil Uno said...

Concise clear and rational, I think you should be in politics bro. You got some fresh ideas and I like the cut of yuor Jib.

Blogger Lila said...


Good answer!

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

YOU ARE SO FUNNY! It is fun to read your blog.


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