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Friday, September 09, 2005

Let Them Eat Cake

I can not believe this one myself. When I first heard about it, I thought "this has to be bullshit". Then I heard the audio. It is a good thing my vehicle was already parked at the work location, otherwise I might have run off the road.

Here is what was said:

In a segment at the top of the show on the surge of
evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost
everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to

Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of
scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is
so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you
know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she
chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

** END**

What a bitch! It is scary that people want to stay in Texas? Why is it scary? Is it that the people might be poor? Is it that they might be black? Is it that they might need help in the form of money and food? Or is it scary because the money they will need might come from people at the higher end of the income spectrum?

And what did she mean by "this is working very well for them"? Did she mean "darkies like to play football, they should love living in a real stadium!"?? Did she mean that since the people who are in the stadium are so poor that they should be happy to have air conditioning? Did she mean that people should be happy their homes were wiped out, because now they can live on cots in Texas?

Rot in hell you out of touch bitch. EVERYONE is poor compared to you. How about we the people level YOUR houses, and then let YOU live on a cot in a stadium. Would that work out well for you? Would you find any humor in that? Would you find people seeking food and clean water scary then?

When the Queen Of France supposedly said "let them eat cake" when told that all the people had to eat was bread (cakes are basicly bread when you think about it), there was a revolution and her head was removed. Someone ought to give Barbara Bush a history book. And a muzzle.

I can not believe she said the things she did. No doubt the right wing spin machine will try to re-write her words - they NEED TO do some damage control at this point.

Barbara Bush was a decent first lady. I think that the population by and large liked the woman. Her husband lost his re-election bid, but as I remember it there was no outright hostility towards Mr. or Mrs. Bush. It was just that the nation was looking for a change after 12 years of the same people running the nation. Nobody back in 1992 would have ever said negative things about the first lady.

But the comments I heard today were something I would have not believed if I had not heard them for myself. I always thought that Barbara Bush was smarter than to say something like this.

I am shocked, and frankly dissapointed by her comments. I had held her in a much higher regard. But not anymore.


Blogger Vajra said...

Richard Nixon liked her. "She's a good hater," he said.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

Yes, she is a real piece of work. Unfortunately around here people respect her and many feel that her words are not only justified but dead on correct. You wouldn't believe the BS coming out of right wing mouths here in Houston regarding these poor people in the Astrodome. And these bozos claim the moral high ground?

Blogger Lissette said...

She is most definitely a modern day Marie Antoinette who is completely out of touch with everyone around her. Who said people liked her? I never did! She's too old and too out of touch. I would like her much better if she would bitch slap her son and tell him to stop fucking around with women's rights!

Blogger Blueberry said...

Normally I am not this mean, but I'd like to dunk her in that N.O. flood water. It's those comments on the poor people, plus the ones she made earlier in the month about not wanting to bother her beautiful mind with the death and body bags of Iraq.

Blogger dddragon said...

I used to be merely annoyed that she didn't influence her husband and son to be better about women's rights.

Now I'm thoroughly disgusted. And this is on top of her son patting and kissing people and telling them that he "understands".

Oh, yeah, right.

Blogger TLP said...

Yeah. She showed her colors on this one, big time. Bitch is too good a word for her.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

I agree with the commenters above.
Put her remarks in perspective and take them with a grain of salt.

Besides, she may be getting a bit, how shall we say it, forgetful, and/or be overly persueded by her son, W.

I thought she was an alright first lady, and certainly was able to speak her mind more often than the one we have now!

Blogger Fred said...

We have one now?


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