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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Three Sheets To The Wind

I do not know if I mentioned this before, but here is where the title phrase comes from.

First off, there are NO ROPES on a boat. Got it? None. You will never find a rope on any boat. What you will find are LINES. Lots and lots of LINES. There will be bow lines, stern lines, anchor lines, and so forth. Only on land is rope called a rope.

On sailboats, you will find a special line that is called a SHEET. Sheets secure sails, and sails make a boat move.

Back in the golden age of sail, the standard design for an ocean going craft called for three masts. Eash mast had a sail, and a sheet to hold the sail(s). With me so far?

IF your three sheets were flapping all willy-nilly in the breeze, it meant that your sails were also flapping. Flapping sails can not catch the wind, or move a boat. As a consequence, the boat would have no control, and would go wherever the wind and currents pushed it. It was totally un-steerable.

So when a person is "three sheets to the wind" after drinking too much, they stumble about aimlessly, going wherever gravity pulls them. Kind of like a boat with no sails. They will collide with walls, fall down, not see trees, and do forth.

And speaking of people that are three sheets to the wind, check THIS VIDEO OUT. Tell me what you think in the comments. I think someone has had a little too much Christmas cheer.


Blogger GodlessMom said...

Can a person be 4 sheets to the wind? I think I might have been there a few nights ago. I suppose the term "going overboard" would apply.

My liver just doesn't handle it like it used to. Sigh!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Did you view thw video?

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

The Bush video was hysterical. I see how they did it (slowed it slightly and dubbed a different voice) but hysterical, nonetheless.

I'm a sailor, as you know, but never knew the origin of 3 sheets to the wind! It makes sense! Why didn't I realize it before?

Blogger TLP said...

LOL. The clip is hysterical. They slowed the sound, yes, but I think it's all his voice. I hate his voice.

I bet he was a great fun drunk in his day.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Oh yeah, I hate his voice too, TLP. Of course, I hated Clinton's as well. Why can't we get a President with a nice Orson Welle's type voice?

Of course if we can get a Pres with Barney Fife's voice then I'll be truly delighted.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

How about a president that can do a bunch of voices, like Richard Little? That would be great.


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