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Monday, December 19, 2005

Why It Is Not Working, Mr. President

As you may have noticed, the President has been hogging up a lot of air time recently. His weekly radio address was delivered on TV and the radio, and then today he was on the TV again - this time taking questions. In the last few days, he has hogged up more air time than he has over the last few years.

So why is the golden boy doing this? The answer is fairly simple - his approval ratings are way down, and dropping faster than the 20 pound lead cannonball weight I use on my downrigger. So he is trying to do some damage control, only it is not working. Polls taken today indicate his approval rating is still dropping.

Now for my theory as to why this is. Why, after so many years of "heil Bush" mentality, is the golden luster gone?

The answer lies in the south, and midwest. For years, the south was a democrat stronghold. Look at all the democrat presidents that hailed from the south in recent times. Carter from Georgia. Clinton from Arkansas. Franklin Roosevelt bought a farm in the south after going there for his polio treatment. In 1932, after winning the election, declared that it was a “red-letter day” for him to “have had the opportunity to come here and stand where Jefferson Davis once stood.” Harry Truman grew up in the segregated society of border-state Missouri. According to Leuchtenburg, he “made no effort to conceal his racist convictions.” His family was so pro-Confederacy that when in 1905, as a young National Guard soldier, he wore his blue uniform to visit his grandmother, she told him, “Don’t bring it here again.” And Lyndon Johnson lived in Texas, and unlike Bush was actually born in a former confederate state.

All these men had this in common - they were democrats, they all had political careers in the south, and they were all elected to be President. The south became democrat country after the Civil War, because that evil Abe Lincoln was a republican (among other reasons).

But times change. FDR came up with "the new deal", which is the foundation of most of the social programs we have today. Truman supported Civil Rights. And so on.

The south was, and still is, rural and poor. Lets face it - where are there more rich people, Mississippi or Vermont? Alabama or New York? And who were the republican presidents? People like Calvin Coolidge, a lawyer born on Vermont. A member of high society, who did nothing for the unwashed masses who lost their ass in the 1929 market collapse. A northerner. A yankee. You get the idea.

So how did the republicans become the party of the south? How did the party that wants to scale down social programs become the party of the poorest states? Trickery and deception of course!

First there was the whole civil rights thing. Here were a bunch of southern states, who had Jim Crow laws on the books, being forced to do away with them by yet another round of northern aggrsssion. States rights! And when democrats turned and supported civil rights, the republicans, who wanted southern votes and to undo the new deal, saw a chance. They started to paint democrats as "against state rights and pro a large, powerful, federal government".

And it began. Democrats were anti-states rights, and in favor of a HUGE and powerful federal government. They wanted to tell states what to do from DC. White men in the south were told that democrats want to collect all the guns, so that the people would not be able to resist a hostile takeover staged from DC. Everything became a conspiricy, against freedom. Social programs were just a way to "take taxes from working people and give them to lazy, mostly black, people who do not want to work".

In the south, wellfare is NOT for white people. White people are in "disability" or "assisstance". They do not see medicare or medicade was wellfare. I know at least one white person (a cousion of mine in fact) that was on "disability" for years, because she "was too nervous to work". Yet she voted republican for years, even when she decided that she was gay. How can this be? How could a white gay female on wellfare vote republican, the party that would see all gays thrown in jail and all social programs outlawed? Because she fell for the con job.

I own guns. Many guns. Handguns, rifles, and even a shotgun. I use the County gun range, which is actually a public park. But I know some people who WILL NOT USE the County range. Why? Well, the County required you to have a card to use the range! GOVERNMENT CONTROL! They want to know who has guns, so they can come take them away! In reality, all the card does is let the range workers know you have say through their safety class, and you know the range rules. That way, when you break the rules, they can just kick you out without having to hear "but I did not know that was not OK".

But the paranoia runs deep. Into your life it will creep. This is how the republicans took over. They used religion, they made people paranoid over a large powerful federal government that was going to outlaw state rights and ban civil liberties, in order to institute a socialist / communist state.

Then in walks Bush. The paranoid voted him in. He was not going to abuse the powers of the federal government! In fact, in 2000 he ran on the platform that the government was too large and needed to be made smaller. He said he would turn more power over to state and local governments. He did not want to "tax and spend" like Al Gore was going to do. And so on.

But look at what the man has done. He has expanded the size of the federal government more than Clinton did. He has spent the surplus, and taken the United States back into massive deficit spending policies. The tax cuts that were going back to the taxpayers, went back to the taxpayers who least needed them. But still, the people went along with it, because Bush was pro-life, anti-gay, pro-gun, and so on.

But the last straw was when Bush started to do stuff that the paranoid saw as the first stept of a government taking power away from the people. The domestic spying. The secret jails. Stuff that they expceted Clinton to do, stuff that the republican paranoia campaign said would happen.

The first steps that the federal government was going to take in the quest to take over. This is what the paranoid have been watching out for.

Bush has said he authorized the NSA to spy on America. Yea, he claims that "only terrorists" are being spied on, but how do we know this is the case? What if the NSA is spying on this blog, the people that comment in it, my email, or even my cell phone? How would I know? What if the NSA knows I have guns? WAIT! They DO know I have guns, because I mentioned this in my blog - and we allready covered the fact that the NSA spies on my blog.

Could I end up in a secret jail? Possibly! Why, they could come right now! AGGHH! A BLACK SUV WITH DARK TIBTED WINDOWS just drove past my house!

And when the president got on TV and claimed that he had the constitutional authority to give the stamp of approval to unrestricted domestic spying, it was all over. The damage has been done. Republican politicians, in republican states, are calling for hearings.

The senate could not prevent a fillabuster of the patriot act, even if there is enough republican votes to do so. The patriot act is now seen as a tool that would allow a repressive government to do away with civil rights, and bring in a new era of federal government control. Freedom is under attack, and not from some guy in a cave in Afganistan, but from some guy in a large white house with a huge lawn and surrounded by a very nice iron gate.

Mr. Presidenet, you should just stop with the press confrences. Go back to trying to blame democrats for everything. Stop trying to justify the NSA and unrestricted domestic spying. Quit saying that without the patriot act, we are all doomed to another terror attack. Find another thing to blame everything on other than September 11.

You own paranoid minions are starting see all the things that the republican party made them paranoid of in the first place. Your damage control will not work this time, you simply went too far.


Blogger mikevotes said...

That's pretty good.

Did you see Bush on McNeil Lehrer? He looked at points like he was going to crack up.

And then, there were the unsubstantiated singl source reports of Bush's Nixon like paranoia. Is it any wonder that he wants to spy on all his enemies?

Blogger Lila said...

Good post.

Yeah, the Republicans have been very clever in using social issues ("pro life", anti same sex everything, etc., mega-Christianity) to woo poor people to vote for them, and against their own economic interests.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The con job of the century. I have to hand it to them, they did a great job. I give credit where it is due.

But all that hard work is about to be undone. And they were soooo close! Oh well, better luck next time.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

I just wish the huddled masses would learn to question and investigate before blindly following.

This is going to be interesting. I just hope that this domestic spying thing doesn't get swept aside and forgotten like everything else.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Huh? What will get brushed aside? I already forgot. The nice men in the black SUV gave me a free labotomy.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

SO VERY TRUE. And so very sad.


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