Sign Of The End Times
This just in from CNN - the Certianly Not News network. The Pope says that materialism is killing the Christmas spirit.
Notice who said this. The Pope! And notice who he said is polluting christmas. Materialism. Not science. Not liberal athiests. Not secularism, and not any of the other reasons those blowhards Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson keep talking about.
Actually, the secularism thing is directly related to materialism - but that is another matter.
Now the next time some right wing suckhole talking head is on your television, talking about how the ACLU is attacking christmas, remember what me and the Pope told you. It is not the ACLU, it is rampant materialism. It is the stores, telling you to go out and buy stuff just because it is December. **NOTE** Just today I did buy a 20 inch flat screen TV for $88 at Target, but I resisted buying the PS2 game I want! For now anyway. I will buy Gun one of these days.
And the funny thing is that while it is clear as day (a day in FL, not a blizzard day in Chicago) that materialism is what turned the holidays into what they are today - NONE of the right wing "boo hoo Christmas is under attack by liberals" will ever say anything bad about the retailers who obviously want to turn Christmas into nothing more than a month long spending frenzy.
After all, EVERYTHING business does is good. Right? I mean, the private sector would never sell its own grandmother to wolves for fun and profit would it?
Normally, I find myself in disagreement with the Pope. But in this case, I think the man is correct. Of course, I said it first - so in theory he agrees with me, as opposed to him saying it first with myself in agreement. Or something like that.
And while I am at it - zero comments on my last post? I must be getting good at the blogging thing.
"Actually, the secularism thing is directly related to materialism - but that is another matter."
Do we get a post on that one? I'd be interested in where you go with that comment! :)
If I hear another whiney Right-winger talk about how atheists are destroying Christmas I think I'll puke. You and his Popeness are right though, there is a lot more Christmas destruction going on in the department stores than there is in the heart of your average heretic.
I think maybe I'll start screaming at the top of my lungs how the Christians are ruining my solstice with all their rampant consumerism.
I will add my thoughts on materialism as the cause of most of the secularism on Tuesday.
Every once in a while, a Pope gets it right!
Pope John Paul II got it right when he said that the ecological crisis was a spiritual crisis... This statement by Pope Benedict seems like a related concept.
So, does the Pope read your blog? He probably never comments on anyone's blog.
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