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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I Have A Dream Too.

Not to take away anything from Dr. King, I also have a dream. A dream for a better America. Here it is.

I have a dream that nobody watches the Oscars on TV. Not a single camera is at the "red carpet" when the attendees, most having IQs slightly lower than a retarded horse, arrive. In my dream, Americans discover that there are hundreds of more important things that could be doing at that time. Like cleaning the dust from under the sofa for example. Hollywood has their awards ceremony, and NOBODY CARES. Those idiots arrive wearing jewelry and clothing that cost more than most Americans make in a year of working - just to be noticed. Lets not notice them this year ok? Read a book or something, keep the TV off.

In my dream, nobody watches the Stupid Bowl. Who really cares who wins. Do you own the team? Do you play for the team? Will you get anything if the team wins? Will the sun still rise the next day if "your team" looses? Now I can understand that those who have money on the game might care. But if you are not gambling on the game, what is the point? Do you go to Vegas and watch other people play on a slot machine? Probably not. You only pay attention to a slot machne if you put money into it. To me the Super Bowl is a giant slot machine - one that I do not put any money into.

In my dream, all the super expensive commercials go unwatched. Nobody sees them because nobody watches the game. Millions in marketing money is flushed. Ratings books show a big ZERO for the time slot. Nobody watches, and nobody cares. As a result, men who make a living playing with balls make no more per year than public school teachers. In Miami, being a public school teacher is barely gainful employment. The rule of thumb is to spend no more than what you make in one week on rent per month, in order to not retire poor. As a teacher in Miami, you can not do this. An illegal apartment no bigger than an economy hotel room, attached to a single family house rents for more than a teacher makes unless the teacher has more than 5 years on the job. Some mouth breathing foul mouthed jug head who can throw a ball makes millions. And we wonder why our great nation is loosing our edge to places like India and China.

And all those people who were offended 2 years ago by the "super boob" incident - this is directed to you. Did you watch the Super Bowl last year? Will you watch it again this year? If so, why? Do you not care about your children, or the children of others? Do you enjoy supporting smut on over the air TV? After all, if nobody watched the game there would be no half-time show, and therefore no chance for a boob to pop out and offend the morality on America. Hairy nasty man boobs on the beach are OK right? After all - they are MANLY! Fat men in speedos are not offensive, no matter how large their man boobs are. But a female boob - GROSS! Put that thing away! It is offensive! We do not want to see those!

In my dream, people are allowed to disagree with the President, whoever that President happens to be. During the State Of The Union speech, Cindy Sheehan was arrested and charged with "disorderly conduct" because she entered the house chamber (she was invited to watch the speech) wearing a t-shirt with a stop sign printed on it. Wearing a shirt is now "disorderly conduct" in the land of the free. She was held by police for long after the speech was over. She was charged with "disorderly conduct" BEFORE she did anything disorderly. Of course, this action fits in perfectly with what is going on now. Bush sent troops into Iraq because of what might happen, sometime in the future - and Cindy was arrested for something she might have done during the speech. Nevermind that she did not actually do anything - other than wear a non-approved shirt. That is not important. She MIGHT HAVE booed during the speech.
Or worse. Better to play it safe and just have her arrested and charged with what she might have done, before she could do it. That way we are safe in the homeland.

In my dream, our priorties are put in order. Before a dime of public money is spent for a stadium, teachers all get a raise. We say education is important, but then do not back that up by putting money where it is needed the most. In Miami, there are public parks that are fenced off because there is not any money to maintain them (mostly in the darker areas of town by the way), while some looser baseball team wants hundreds of millions to build a new stadium. In my dream, public money is spent on the PUBLIC, not on a free business to make someone with hundreds of millions even more money. Trickle Down theory works - but the only thing that trickles down is urine.

In my dream, more students care about math and science grades than the high school football team. The popular kids are those with the best grades, not those who are on the verge of dropping out. The "big money" lies not in basketball, but in engineering. China will kick our ass in a few decades on the path we are on now. Things need to change, and they need to change fast.

Of course I realize that everything above is a dream. Nothing more. Nothing will change. Things will continue on the path they are on now. And by the time most Americans pull their head out of their ass and wake up to what is going on, it will be too late. Chinese will be the language of business, not english. Already, prudent business people are hiring chinese housekeepers to look after their infants and young children.


Blogger Econo-Girl said...

For a brief while, America got the idea that celebrities are empty losers. Right after the 9-11 attacks. But it didn't last long!

And for a brief time, people knew that firemen and policemen were more important then actors who played them on t.v. It was fun to see the actors realize that.


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