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Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Burn

So on Wednesday I went to the Bally's place for a session with a personal trainer. You get two or three personal training sessions with a new membership. I can buy more if I want, but I think it is a rip off. The trainers are probably only getting $10 an hour or less, but the cost for a session is something like $70. What a friggin rip off.

Anyway, the short version of a not so long story is that I was kind of sore today at work.

I got an upper body workout at the gym. I was ok on Thursday, just a little sore. But then I had to mess with the kayak. It weighs either 50 or 60 pounds. I had to lift the thing and put it on the roof rack. Then I had to take it off the roof rack and launch it over the sea wall. Then I had to lift it over the sea wall. Then back on the roof rack. Then off the roof rack. Then I had to move it to the backyard where it lives.

And I forgot to mention the blood. Oh yes, there was blood. I stepped on a sharp something, either a rock or a sharp sea shell and slit my heel open. Yea I know you are supposed to wear shoes in the water where there might be sharp rocks. Yea I knew there were probably sharp rocks around. But I did not put on my beach shoes so I gashed myself in the foot.

The funny thing is that I did not notice at first. What clued me in that something was not right were the red bloody heel prints I noticed once I was on the concrete walkway. A quick inspection of the foot area turned up a nice gash - so perfect and clean you would think it were made with a razor blade. I had some fresh water so I rinsed off my foot and kept going - leaving bloody prints all over the place. I even managed to leave a small puddle of blood while resting for a bit on the sea wall. The small puddle was deep red and probably left a nice stain on the concrete. The bloody prints were less red because the blood was all squished and thin on the concrete.

So today at work my left heel was a little sore. Not too bad, but then again not too good. Due to the fresh water wash down, some rubbing alcohol, and some iodine there is no infection - but iodine hurts like a bitch.

I walk a lot at work. And today was not really an exception. But I did not complain too much. Someone else at work just had an operation on her foot so no waking for her. And someone else had a mild heart attack so no walking for him. I pulled my shift AND 4 hours of another shift. No problem. Bring on the walking and the heel gash! My sock can soak up any heel leakage I might have. Today there was no leaking because there is no infection.

What is killing me more than the heel is the sore upper body from the workout. Every muscle below my neck and above my ass got it. The burn they tell you to feel turns into "sore" the next day. So it takes me longer to do things now, like take off and put on my suit jacket at work. It kind of hurts to lift my arms.

The soreness is bothering me way more than the bloody heel thing.


Blogger Lila said...

Sorry about all the pain, LI. At least the workout burn means it was working! But the heel... that's a bummer. Make sure it doesn't get infected and all that!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The heel gash is still like the Grand Canyon only not as deep and not as wide and not in Arizona.

Somehow I think I will live.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

...but the heel is more important to pay attention to. Use neosporin on it instead of iodine. It's proven more effective and doesn't hurt. As for the workout, take it easy at first or you'll end up avoiding working out and it'll be for nothing.


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