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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Do Not Think I Am Insane Yet?

This is going to be a good one, so you might want to get some snacks or something. Go on, I will wait.

At my work location, there is a hotel. And at this hotel there is a place to eat on the 7th floor. Every Tuesday I can get the "two for one" lunch special - if I can con one of my co-workers into going.

But this is not the important thing. What is more important is the 8th floor of the hotel, which is under renovation right now. There WAS a pool and a health club there. Supposedly, one of the 50 hurricanes that have hit Miami in the last 2 years damaged the 8th floor causing it to close for renovation. That OR they ran out of money for it and closed the pool and health center to cut costs. My cynical brain never quits.

Anyway, when the center WAS open it was very cheap for employees to use. I do not know just how cheap because I never joined - but word on the street was that it was VERY cheap. But it is closed now, so none of this matters.

Anyway, being a County employee and not having access to the cheap fitness and health club at my work location anymore - I decided to get on the County web site and check out the cool discounts I can get!

I discovered that there was indeed some fitness and health club discounts. I can join the Downtown Fitness Club or I can use the Hotel Intercontinental. Both these places are VERY exclusive - meaning expensive. And they are downtown. Not exactly a good location for me as I do not live anywhere near downtown. And even with the "discount" the fees are pretty high.

So on my Thursday off I decided - on a total whim mind you - to poke around. I piddled around on the internet and discovered this Ballys place near my home. So I went there. Why not, I had nothing else to do.

After getting a tour of the place they gave me the sales pitch. So I sat there. When the pitch was over, I mentioned that I could get a "discount" at the much nicer Downtown Fitness Center which just got a 2.5 million dollar renovation.

The sales pitch guy caved in. He said he could take $30 off the "sign up fee" and that I could get a monthly membership at just that center for $40 a month. This is less than the County discount could get me at the downtown places.

So I joined. Wednesday at 1 PM I have to go meet with some kind of personal trainer or something like that. I am going to be personally trained to use some fancy equipment in an effort to build endurance and strength. I need these things to fully enjoy the sail-yak I am still waiting for.

My insanity works in ways that amazes even me. I never know exactly what crazy thing I will get a wild hair up my ass to do.

Now the question is this: Will I actually USE the fitness center? Obviously, I will use it at least once. Probably more than once seeing as how I had to fork out the fee for the first month AND the signup fee. But will this fad last into next month? Who knows. It depends on how motivated I get.

And the chicks in spandax workout clothes are fairly motivating.


Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Thats a GREAT IDEA! I'll toss this one in the employee suggestion box!


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