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Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Productivity is a word that can mean EITHER good things or bad things. When your boss uses the word, it is usually bad. The reason for this is that when the boss says any variation of "productive" he/she is usually calling someone lazy. As in "Smith! Why can't you be more productive like the ass kiss Jones in accounting!" Or sometimes the boss will say "productivity is down, so the company has adopted a policy of random floggings".

But on your day off, productivity can be a very good thing - providing you are doing something you WANT to do. A good example of this is roofing. Yea, you COULD spend your day off nailing new roofing tiles down, but that would totally suck. Or you could spend the day doing stuff you like to do, like for example sleeping till 12:30 PM. That is productivity too. At least to me it is. What does sleeping in late accomplish? It means I can stay up late watching Ren And Stimpy cartoons, and watching some movies. That is something!

But even if I did sleep in a little late, I got a LOT of crap done. So let up re-visit yesterday's list of things to do!

1. Build a rack for the kayak. CHECK!

2. Launch the kayak. Still have to do this
3. Use the gym membership. CHECK!
4. Get ball joints for the truck. Still have to do this.
5. Get beer. CHECK! I got a 6 pack of Guinness and Harp for Friday.
6. Mess with the new tank. CHECK! The water is still toxic to fish, but it is on the way to biological stability
7. Chill out and do nothing. CHECK! I did sleep till after noon.

Tomorrow I am going to launch the boat. The odds of me getting the ball joints replaced are lower than the odds of me winning the lottery - and I do not bother to waste my money on that sucker bet.


Blogger Lissette said...

Very cool set-up! I commented on the mp3 player on my blog, but I'll reply here as well. It's a 1g. I figured I wouldn't need anything bigger then that. As is I've got like 6 different cd's on it, some podcasts, and a lot of miscellaneous music. I'm really happy with it, the display is awesome, the fact that it charges off the USB is cool as shit, cause I don't have to worry about getting batteries, and are the batteries going to die on me, blah, blah blah. No worries. It claims that 3 minutes of charging gives you 3 hours of play time, but I haven't been able to test that theory yet, and all for the nice price.

When are you launching that Kayak? D and me are probably going jetsking this weekend, if we're not moving him, but even then we'll probably move one day and jetski the other.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

My weekends are Wednesday and Thursday. On the 20th of this month my weekends change to Tuesday and Wednesday.

With the job I have now, it could be years before I get a Saturday or Sunday off. There are people wiht 15 years on the job that do not get Saturday or Sunday off. ONLY the coordinator, the boss, and the secretary get both Saturday and Sunday off.

Ill launch from either Dinner Key OR The Deering Estate.

Blogger Lissette said...

Very cool. Take loads of pics!

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

SWEET. I like the ingenious rack!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey james... NICE RACK!

Blogger The Devil Uno said...

Thats a badass truck and badass toolbox and fuck man you have a badass kayak too! Hell yeah and if you want some gym tips im your motha Try some NOXPLODE lol that stuff rocks! You will be totaly EXTREME in no time.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Noxplode huh? Ill have to look for it.

The kayak does kick ass.


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