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Thursday, March 02, 2006

What It Takes To Be An Asshole

Being an asshole is hard work.

For starters, there are sooo many assholes out there that you have to do something special to stand out among the crowd.

This is the problem. So many assholes, and so few ways to really stand out in the pack. In Miami, where assholes are as common as coconut trees, it is getting to the point where standing out is impossible. Almost. But people here have found ways.

I have already covered the driving thing. The multitude of assholes think that they have a right to kill you just because they are in a vehicle. The roads in Miami are a lot like the roads in the "Mad Max, The Road Warrior" movie, only more crowded.

Here is how the typical asshole in Miami decides on which new car to buy. First they consider that a good deal of the oil consumed in America is from the middle east - and that no matter which way you slice it middle east oil supports terrorism. Then they think about the war going on right now for this oil - and all the people that have been killed for it. Then they go out and buy a 8,500 pound giant hunk of shit that gets less than 10 mpg, and put one of those "support the troops" stickers on it.

Now what I think should be done to people that live in a CITY and choose to buy these things is castration. Not chemical castration, but the real deal. If idiots can not reporduce they can not overpopulate the planet. I also think that there should be some kind of massive tax placed on all these vehicles. $10,000 a year ought to be enough. The revinue generated can go to fill in the funding Bush cut from the VA hospital budget for this year.

Then at least people driving these things in the city really can claim that they support the troops. Otherwise, all they are doing is supporting sending people off to die.


Blogger dddragon said...

Amen brother. What absurd vehicles. And I've heard that they're not comfortable, anyway!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

N ot to mention the increased likelyhood of being in an accident. These things simply do not stop quickly. If you swerve to avoid something you are very likely to loose control and possibly roll over.

Safe indeed.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

that no matter which way you slice it middle east oil supports terrorism. Tell it like it is, brother. Tell it like it is.

You know, I just had lunch with an insurance guru who mentioned casually that we would massively reduce our oil depence if we would just revise some standards of ours. I blush to admit I don't remember the term he used, but basically the gov't has an agreement with all the auto makers to produce a proportionate amount of gas guzzlers vs. economy cars. If we raised the bar just SLIGHTLY, and started manufacturing just a LITTLE less of these monster trucks, we would find that gas prices would go down and we'd also be contributing to a healthier environment.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Contributing to the environment is communist code words for "the liberal agenda". Check your hysterical rabid right wing manual.


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