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Monday, March 20, 2006

Senate Seat For Sale, Going Price $10 Million

This year Florida will "elect" one senator. Currently, the seat belongfs to Bill Nelson, a democrat. The other seat belongs to Mel Martinez, a republican. His seat is not up for grabs this time around.

The republican challenger for Senator Nelson's seat is none other than Katherine Harris - the Jeb Bush apointee who in 2000 as the State election supervisor could not wait to certify the Florida election results for George Bush. Never mind that the margin of "victory" was a fraction of one percent. And then after the fiasco what did she do? Maybe take steps to improve the system so it will never happen again?

Oh hell no. She was holding off for a George Bush job appointment. I think I remember reading somewhere that she had her sights set on being an ambassador or something. She had to settle for a seat in Congress instead. She got that seat because a bunch of fools voted for her as a way of "proving" that Bush did in fact win. She ran for congress from a panhandle district - which is as "red" as Communist China's flag.

Anyway she is back. She is running for the senate. Her campaign had little steam behind it. She could not raise any money, nor could she muster very much support. Her campaign was on advanced life support.

Then she announced that she would put $10 million of her own money into her campaign. Think about that for a second. $10 million investment into a job that pays something like $150,000 a year. I think Senate seats are good for 6 years so that works out to $800,000 over 6 years. In otherwords, a net LOSS of $9.2 million dollars. And that is assuming she wins. If she looses, then it is a net loss of $10 million.

The question I ask myself is why? Why put in $10 million of your own money into a job that will not even pay back $1 million? This woman is a lobbyist's wet dream. I mean, with only a $9.2 million dollar loss for the job, I am fairly positive she would never take a bribe. Or accept any gifts in order to vote the "correct" way.

Bottom line is that I do not trust people who put that kind of their own money into a race. If I had $10 million would I waste it running for the Senate? HELL NO! I would so be out of this place. And she must have a whole lot more than $10 million in the bank.

She is going to buy her seat in the Senate with this money.

And what does she support? Oh you know, "traditional" consertive values.

This is where I need some help. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that traditional consertive values revolved around reducing the power of the Federal Government (giving more power to State and Local Government), responsible fiscal policy (spending exactly the amount of money raised by taxes), and not using the military as a "world police force". In otherwords, exactly the opposite of what Bush has done. The federal government has never been more powerful, congress raised the federal credit card limit to 9 trillion dollars, and the military is being used like a police force in the middle of a civil war.

Recently Harris made a speech at one of these "mega TV churches". Not that there is anything wrong with this, but here are some of the things she said. All this is from The Miami Herald online edition. Google it if you want.

The title of her speech was "Bringing Faith to the Public Forum". Again, not really a problem. People have a right to have faith. But some other things she said ARE a problem.

"I can't imagine public service without faith. I don't know how anyone can serve, absent that enormous strength". In otherwords - that athiest Bill Nelson sacrifices puppies and kittens to Satan. And what would Jesus do with $10 million dollars? Give it to the poor or run for a seat in government? This woman is a religous phony, trying to play to the evangelical right wing to get elected.

Other speakers at the same event rallied against - you guessed it - homosexuality, abortion, and the ACLU. Apparently the new "traditional" consertive values begin and end with these three topics.

Harris also met with the organizers of the failed attempt to push through an anti-gay marriage amendment to the FL Constitution this year. They will try again in 2008.

She has avoided the press, unless that press is from the right wing. See, there are some questions she would rather not answer. Like the matter of her relationship with a defence contractor who pleaded guilty to giving her an illegal campaign contributions. She claims she had no idea the donations were illegal, but she DID ask for $10 in federal funding for Mitchell Wade's company after that had a nice romantic candlelight dinner together. One of her staff members also left to work for him.

So there we go. Another phony born-again "evangelical" who would urinate on the teachings of Jesus to embrace a system that awards war profeteers, advocates a system where some people have more rights than other people, spends as little as possible helping the poor but has unlimited amounts of money to blow stuff up, and looks at civil liberties as something "dangerous". After all, all republicans just know Osama gives money to that evil ACLU.

For the good of Floirda, the USA, and the planet I hope this bitch looses in a big way. Let her spend all of her $10 million and still loose. Send a message that Senate seats are NOT for sale.

But people are retarded. The evangelical movement will push hard for her cause God will cause it to rain fire if gays can get marries. People will see all the 30 second TV ads she will buy, and then vote for her based on that. Any mention of the defence contractor question will be blown off as a "liberal attack" against a "person of faith". Same typical imbred no teeth bible thumping redneck bullshit as always.

People are so dumb, they have forgotten what "traditional" consertive values are really all about.

And if you are reading this and you ARE an inbred toothless ignorant redneck, I have just one question for you.

Can you give me a valid legal reason why some Americans should have more rights than other Americans? And exactly when did a federal government with unlimited power become a consertive value? And before you claim it is not, lets remember that Bush created Homeland Security, secret lists, secret jails, and imaginary presidential powers that include the ability to authorize anything he wants without any judicial or congressional review. Has one "consertive" raised any concern over any of these things? Nope. Therefore, you must support it.

As I see it, the most pressing "traditional" consertive value that is only a few years old and hardly a tradition is gay marriage. Or a lack of it. To me, it is clearly a civil rights matter. Marriage is a LEGAL CONTRACT. You do not have to go to a church to be legally married, you can simply apply for a license and see a justice of the peace. Therefore it is a LEGAL CONTRACT. Even if you go to a church, and the pope himself declares you to be married, without that license from the state the marriage is NOT LEGAL. Period. The church thing is optional - the license is not.

But never mind all that. Once faith is allowed to "shape the law", as the evangelical movement wants it to be, valid legal arguments will not matter. Nothing will matter. What they want is a Christian version of the Taliban style of government. A theocracy. A system where only those appointed by God can rule. A system where people of "faith" decide exactly what sort of rights the masses are allowed to have.

Much like the system the American Revolution got rid of.


Blogger Lila said...

What a great rant!!! Well said.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

As you know, I wrote about Katherine Harris the other day. The thing that worries me the most is that (as you pointed out) she is not necessarily espousing conservative views. She is a classic neocon, a rich person who espouses religious pap to the masses, in the hopes that some of it will stick with the blue collars. Her true beliefs? Perhaps she's really a true Christian. But it has nothing to do with participating in the government where there should always be a separation of church and state. Otherwise, what if our next President is a Muslim who believes we should assume the Shaira law?

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

She is not a Christian. According to Kierkegaard, being a true Christian means a willingness to be nailed to a cross for what you believe. And I do not mean a figurative cross - I mean a real cross and real nails and a real hammer and real blood and real pain and real death.

I doubt Harris would be willing to do this.

And furthermore, I believe that you can be EITHER rich OR a Christian - but you can not be both at the same time. Was Jesus rich? Did Jesus spend his life seeking wealth and power? Could Jesus have taken over the Roman Empire and overthrown the Emperor if he had wanted to?

Of course the answers are no he was not rich, no he did not spend his life seeking wealth and power, and if you believe Jesus was the Son of God, of course he could have bitch slapped the Emperor of Rome and taken the throne.

But then again, Jesus was not a neocon republican. And Harris is not a Christian. She is just another rich person who has decided that she is qualified to rule over us pesants.


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