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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Kathrine Harris Update

The race for one of Floirda's US Senate seats has taken quite a turn.

Click HERE for the Miami Herald article.

A few weeks ago, one Kathrine Harris - the Floirda Elections Stupidvisor in 2000, pledged $10 million of her own money towards her campaign. Sounds fairly simple huh?

Then the questions came. Exactly where was this $10 million going to come from? The magical money tree? Crooked lobbiests? Her side job as a roofer?

First she said it was from an inheritance. Then later she said she sold some stuff on E-Bay. And what did she do in the end? Quietly placed a measly $3 million into her campaign. By my math, this is still $7 million less than what she said she would kick in.

But the questions and changing answers about where the money from was not all the credibility problems Harris has had. Her staff pulled A mutiny, and she has recieved tepid at best support from her own party. Governor Jeb, who appointed her Elections Supervisor, has made public statements expressing his concern about her campaign.

But what about the $3 million of her own money she has put in? This is what republican pollster Kellyanne Conway has to say.

"You'd be hard pressed to find any other Republican candidate -- especially one who invests $3 million -- who receives such scrutiny,'' she said. ``If the $3 million is a down payment toward $10 million, she's like any other good investor.''

What? Down payment? Investor? I think this slip up says it all, and pretty much PROVES what I said about Harris before. She intends to BUY this election.

After all, when you make an investment do you not expect to obtain some kind of return? When you invest $3 million as a down payment, and you intend to "invest" another $7 million - exactly what kind of return do you expect? 10% return? 15% return? 5% return? And how does one make a return on investment of 10% on $10 million when the thing you are "investing" in ONLY pays $165,200 for 6 years? That is $991,200 for a term. You would need to serve 10 terms to break even! That works out to 60 YEARS as a Senator - to break even.

In otherwords, her return on investment is a negative number. Because if you were to take that same $10 million and just stick it into a money market account paying 3% per year for 60 years, you would have more money than if you were to serve 20 terms in the Senate.

So exactly how will Harris get back her "investment" and realize a return by being a Senator? Without taking bribes and dealing in under the table deals, there is no way she can even break even. And while Harris is not poor, I do not think she is so rich that she could misplace $10 million and not even notice it. And even if she only puts in the $3 million, it will still take 3.026 terms - 18.15 years - to break even.

All this makes me wonder just what kind of "investment" is being made here. And what exactly the payoff (for her) will be. Power? Money? Both? Who knows.


Blogger Lila said...

Weird. Well, I certainly don't like Harris. Sounds like a bizarre story about the money.


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