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King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

And The Winner Is...........

So today I managed to find the energy to take the kayak out.

Now before you say "big deal! I found the energy to go to work you lazy bum!" let me say this.

1. It was my day off. So Sunday when YOU are being a bum I will be at work having office chair races because all the bosses on the floor are gone.
2. That's it.

Anyhow I loaded the kayak rack into the truck bed, tied it in place, got the kayak out from the backyard, put it on the rack, tied the kayak in place, then loaded all the other stuff that goes along with the kayak. Like the paddles and the Mirage Drive and the cooler full of beer and stuff.

But I forgot the kayak seat. That sucked.

I need to modify my nifty beach umbrella holder thing. When I first launched it was not long before the umbrella flew out of the holder and sank. So I had to drop anchor and go swimming for it. Then I had to climb back into the kayak without flipping it over. The second time I lost the umbrella was in deep water near the Key Biscayne channel - but the umbrella landed in such a way that it floated so I could get it. I also lost the lower legs for the holder. I need to glue my PVC holder together, and drill a hole to pin the umbrella in place.

The important thing was that I did not loose any beer. I took along Samuel Adams Summer Ale and Cherry Wheat.

Under VERY STRICT scientific conditions I experimented with both beers to see which one was the better boat beer. Here are my scientific findings.

1. Cherry Wheat has a very light and refreshing body. There is more than a hint of cherry flavor in the stuff, but yet it is still beer - as opposed to cherry Kool-Aid with some alcohol in it (frat boy drink).

2. Summer Ale is also a light refreshing beer, with a trace of lemon flavor in the background. Like Cherry Wheat it is fairly light on alcohol content, which is good for the boat. Heavy high alcohol beers are just too much when you are out on the water. The idea is to kick back, relax, and have a good day out on the water - not get bombed and crash into a day marker.

The picture above is an example of what NOT TO DO when out in a boat. By the way, according to the info this happened in Biscayne Bay. This guy was either running at night, or had too much to drink. Either way, it does not look like very much fun was had by anyone on that boat.

Time to announce the beer winner!

The Cherry Wheat is good - but not exactly boat beer good. The cherry flavor is too strong. It is not overwhelming or anything, but it just does not taste like beer. Cherry Wheat is the kind of thing you might order after dinner - or kick back with while hanging out under a tree after mowing the lawn.

So the winner is Samuel Adams Summer Ale. This is the official beer of the summer, and the beer of choice for a day out on the boat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! i love the cherry wheat just for the reason you dont, i like the cherry taste. theres a blueberry beer out there also thats pretty good.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The blueberry beer tastes too much like pancakes.

I like the Cherry Wheat - I just do not like it as a boat beer as much.

However, cherry Wheat may make a few guest voyages this summer.


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