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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Some Crap

Today, the topic is some crap. I grow weary of complicated topics and issues and stuff. Most people can not handle what I have to say anyway. They either do not want to think about stuff that hard OR they lack the grey matter to comprehend what I am saying. They just want to listen to music on an I-Pod and drive like a jackass and complain about gas prices.

I have a license to complain about gas prices because UNLIKE most people in Miami I have modified my driving style. I go slow. I accelerate slow. I brake before I get close to the red light - or at least I let off the gas before I get close to the light. On the expressway, I fail to see why going faster than 55 mph does me a darn bit of good. And Monday when I left work late I got stuck at a train crossing - at which time I cut the engine off.

As opposed to flooring it when the light is green, and driving at least 10 mph above the speed limit, and so on.

But I am getting sidetracked here. I was talking about some crap then I went off on a complicated issue tangent.

It rained for both of my days off. This kind of sucks, because I was planning on trying to do some more sailing in my kayak yesterday. But nooooooo it had to rain all F-ing day. And today same deal. Rain.

So what I did as an alternate activity is buy a new video game for my PS2! Hey, it keeps me off the street and inside my home where I can not possibly cause any harm.

I got "The Godfather". Not the movie, but the video game. It is pretty cool. You get to start mob wars and extort business for protection money and take over rackets and stuff. Some of the cooler things you can do is throw people (usually but not always other mobsters) out of windows, in front of cars, and even into ovens. You know - mobster type stuff.

Yea yea I know that crap about "violent video games" - and it is just that. Crap. There were no video games in the middle ages, and yet "witches" (women who could add) were often burned at the stake. I call that violent. Also the game is rated M, so IF a parent is being a PARENT their kid can not get this game anyway. And if their smart ass kid mows lawns and buys the game - the parent can always take it away. Nobody ever said democracy begins at home! Parents should be Dictators.

You do not want your kids to grow up thinking that anything they buy with their own money is OK. What?? You DO think it is OK?!?! Fine - go buy some pot. When the cops bust you, say "but officer I bought this marijuana with my own money - therefore it is OK!".

Anyway, all this is more of that boring "issues" stuff.

The game plays a whole lot like the Grand Theft Auto series. You can even car jack people, but it is not really a big part of the game.

I rate the game as OK. It is something to do when it rains for your entire weekend.


Blogger Lila said...

Sorry you got rained on... as you know, I just went through that for days on end. Finally the sun is here -- thank GOD!

I too have modified my driving habits to save gas. It does actually make a noticeable difference in the amount of gas I use.

I used to like video games, but for several years now they've had no appeal for me. I'm not sure what happened.


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