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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Pigs And Pseudo Pigs

This is just one example of why things suck so bad these days.

One of my co-workers, who could be described as my "supervisor" even if I do not really have a supervisor per-say, was in a car accident. Here are the details.

She drove to a La Carreta, which is a somewhat popular cuban restaurant in Miami. There are La Carretas all over the place. They consist of a coffee window with walk up service and a restaurant with tables and sit down service.

Being there for the coffee, she parked in a parallel parking space by the curb in the parking lot. When she opened the door to get out, someone hit the car door and bent it back towards the hood.

Her car was not moving when the accident happened. She was in a parking lot, in a marked parking space, trying to get out of her vehicle.

The driver of the other car is a cop. He was off duty in a private vehicle. A public service aide showed up to the scene because there were no injuries and the accident happened off any major roads. Public Service Aides are like cops, only without guns and powers of arrest. They have a badge and a car with police markings, but they have orange lights as opposed to red and blues. They are employees of the police department.

At first, the cops was Mr. Nice Guy. All "Im sorry" and "lets not involve the police with this because you are at fault" and "I just had a car accident last week and really do not want to get involved with this" and stuff. But the PSA was called anyway. MANY people at the La Carreta saw the accident happen.

When the PSA showed up, all the witnesses vanished faster than illegal immigrants at a Customs and Border Protection picnic. The cop and the PSA got to paling around.

You can probably guess what happened nest. My co-worker was told to sign a report stating she was at fault. When she balked, suggesting that something was not right, the PSA said "You want to do this right? Good! Here is a ticket for wreckless driving". Wreckless driving is a 4 pointer. A MAJOR moving violation. Just one step below felony evasion. When she asked why she was getting a ticket when she was parked and the other car was moving, she was threatened with arrest.

So she signed the ticket and plans to take this to court.

This is what is wrong with this society. People who think the laws do not apply to them. I do not have to obey traffic laws, I am a cop! I can speed and drive poorly and shit, and should something happen someone else gets the ticket.


I am the president. Federal law is for common people, the Constitution is only for Congress - I am above it all.


I can throw a football. I can rape women on campus and the university will cover up for me, because I might cause the team to win the national championship.


I am a multi-millionaire. I can get drunk and mow people down in a car then hire a good lawyer who gets me acquitted on the charge by calling a series of A-List Hollywood movie stars to talk about how great I am.


I am a fat turd with a radio show who said many times all drug users should be sent to jail for life. Then I became addicted to "medicine" so I checked into rehab. But I was never addicted to "drugs" therefore I should not go to jail at all. Any attempt to lock me up for drug use is politically motivated because I am 100% innocent of all charges.

As long as ANYONE is allowed to be above the law - no matter how little the law they are above is - things will just get shittier and shittier.

Why not just be honest and start writing new laws that include a list of who does not have to follow them. Or better yet, create a separate set of laws that apply to people based on their job and/or their economic level. Why not just have poor people laws, rich people laws, black people laws, and so on. That way when a cop is not given a ticket they deserve it will not be special treatment - it will be part of the law! Or when a poor person goes to jail for having one crack rock but a rich person can have hundreds of illegal pills and not go anywhere it will be part of the law! Or when a baseball player shoots up roids it is OK, as long as they keep hitting home runs. And so on.

Then at least nobody will be held above "the law". The law will simply change depending on who you are or what class you are part of. At least this would be honest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell your co-worker to do a write up of what happened with the cops name and psa's name and send it to the new times. they may enjoy something like that.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Way ahead of you on this one.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!


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