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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Time Management.

First, the photos of Sake! Sake got a hair cut the other day. Now she hates me. She HATES for anyone to mess with her now - her skin must be sensitive or something with no hair covering it.

Anyway, this is what she looked like BEFORE.

Notice the look. That is her "I do not want to rip your face off" look. This is her "What the hell is that thing you are holding, and WHY is it pointed at me?" look. She is not exactly easy to photograph.

And this is what she looks like now.

Notice how "the look" has changed. I will not go to sleep unless my door is shut and I know she is not in the room. I am glad they left her tail alone, she would look like a possum if that were shaved as well.

Both these images are clickable and will link to a larger photo.

Anyhow - what I REALLY want to talk brag about is my FOUR DAY WEEKEND! Yes that is right - FOUR DAY WEEKEND! I can get A LOT of laziness done over these four days. I have a bunch of beers, but I have not had any time to drink them. They have been multiplying in my fridge. Just because I do not have time to drink them does not mean that when I go to the store I do not buy any!

Here is how I managed to get the four day weekend to happen - without taking ANY of my annual leave time! Take notes, for there WILL be a quiz later.

First, I had to start with my regular days off - which are Sunday and Monday. The coordinator/lead protocol officer needed Monday off to go to New York. So I traded her last Monday off in exchange for this Saturday. This way everyone gets their days off, there is no overtime because all shifts have normal coverage, and nobody has to use any sick or leave time.

The County, being an EXCELLENT employer (the BEST EMPLOYER ever in the history of jobs) gives me all the regular holidays off, PLUS TWO! My birthday and a "floating" holiday. I can use the two bonus holidays whenever I want, but they expire if I do not use them. The birthday holiday expires 6 months after your birthday, the floating holiday expires with the close of the fiscal year.

So tomorrow I am using my birthday holiday. Almost 6 months AFTER my actual birthday, but that is OK. With my regular days off, plus my Saturday off by a trade, plus my birthday holiday on Friday I get a whole, whopping, massive, PHAT, 4 day weekend. And I do not use a single hour of my "real" holiday time. Sweet huh! Yes, civil service has its advantages!

I am going to use my floating holiday for the cruise to Mexico. See how that works out? Floating holiday? I will be on a boat? What better way to use up this day.

Now if you will excuse me, my four day weekend is starting. The Sierra Nevada Pale Ale should have warmed up a bit, and is probably close to optimum drinking temperature right about......wait for it......wait for it.....almost there........any second now.......and........NOW!


Blogger dddragon said...

oh, my goodness. yes, definitely lock your door and hide your shoes.

Did you know that they would take so much off? poor kitty!

And I do know about hair traveling all over. My high school friend visited from Tennessee and her dog's hair ended up in my van. (The dog did not make the trip to Pennsylvania, mind you.)

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Sake's hair has gone worldwide.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Have fun on your mini vacation! I could say something about shaved p...kitty but I won't. :P She looks adorable! Just tell her that dogs go through it on a regular basis. Maybe she'll feel better.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I do not think I will have this done to Sake again. I will just have to get her used to being brushed.


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