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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lewis The Cat

Maybe you have been following the saga of Lewis The Cat. Then again, maybe not. Either way, this post is for you! Do not forget to click the multiple links for extra humor value! Just not the link above. The first link is just to, and is pretty boring. My post is funnier.

This is Lewis with his owner, known only as "some lady". The news is all about Lewis, not "some lady". "Some lady" is not even that important.

Lewis seems to like to attack people. It got to the point where the neighbors were afraid to leave their homes, because Lewis could be in the bushes - stalking them. The police even got involved, and charged "some lady" with reckless endangerment. This is one bad kitty. With nasty, big, pointy teeth.

So just how bad was Lewis? Lets find out! Here is a short list of the charges against him.

1. Using long claws and stealth to attack at least a half dozen people. Clearly, Lewis hates the neighbors. They probably disturb his napping when they mow the lawn.

2. Ambushing the Avon Lady. So Lewis is opposed cosmetics animal testing! Is it suddenly a crime to be opposed to animal testing? Lewis is a CAT - it is not like he can make a sign that says "Avon Sucks" or "Avon Kills Bunnies". All he can do as a cat to show how he opposed Avon is attack the Avon Lady! I say that should be covered by the 1st Amendment. Of course I do not know that Avon does test products on animals - they probably do not. But once again Lewis is a cat. He can not use the internet to research this. And it is also possible he just hates solicitors. Every job comes with some hazards. Of all the crimes he is charged with, ambushing the Avon Lady is the funniest by far.

3. Using asymmetrical warfare. He would go up to people, rub on their leg and purr. Like a good kitty. But when you reach down to pet him and say "good kitty" - you get it. Teeth and fangs. A full on attack.

Here is a quote from a neighbor "He attacks from the back. You never see it coming. He has six toes on every foot, which constitutes a very formidable weapon". This is one foul tempered kitty! He does not look that evil in his picture.

Anyway, the judge put Lewis on Prozac. Seriously. But "Some Lady" took poor Lewis off the anti-psycotic drug because it made Lewis too sleepy. So the Judge offered to let "Some Lady" off on her charges and expunge her record if she euthanized Lewis. She refused. I would refuse too. "Save Lewis" sites started to pop up all over the internet. Lewis has his own Wikipedia article.

So the judge did not sentence Lewis to death. His new sentence is house arrest. Lewis is not allowed to leave his house. To quote the judge, "there are no exceptions. None". The judge sounds serious. Some Lady will get her record expunged if she can keep Lewis indoors for two years. The judge said this is not about a cat, but about people having a right to live in safety in their neighborhoods. From a CAT! We are not talking about Osama Freaking Bin Laden here.

Is this a crazy world, or what? I could not make up anything this good if I tried!


Blogger dddragon said...

I'm waiting to see if "save Lewis" t-shirts start popping up around the 'net and town ...

I hate it when people get mad at a cat for being a cat.

Blogger TLP said...

Fun, fun, fun! I clicked every link. I'm a Monte Python fan too.

Well, Lewis should stay inside. I'm not afraid of a cat, but I think all cats should be kept inside. The world is dangerous for cats...but I guess Lewis can fend for himself.

Good job on the post.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The world is a dangerous place. Even more so when Lewis is on the prowl.

Why can't any of my worthless cats make it on CNN?

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

That is hysterical! Glad that Lewis is under house arrest instead of the alternative. I just want to know, why weren't the neighbors just carrying hot pepper spray or mace instead of whining? That would cure the Attack Kitty immediately. The whole idea is really damned funny, though. I can see Lewis stalking a hapless victim and pouncing. Reminds me of the early Garfield cartoons...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

save lewis my ass.. if that cat ambushed me i'b be back with a paintball gun! i hate cats....


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