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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Attention World - Everyone Who Lives In Miami Is Retarded!

This is what Miami told the world yesterday and early this morning. Yes, everyone who lives in Miami IS retarded. Well maybe not everyone, but enough people that the 5 or 6 who have a brain do not count.

What happened was the Miami Heat basketball team won a game. This caused every single goon in the city to do what they like to do best - be a total asshole. Here is how they did it.

First I think I should point out that Heat games are almost never sold out. People do go to the games, unlike Marlins games (which almost nobody go to UNLESS the Marlins are in the Series), but the only times Heat games sell out are when a "good" team is playing. People were there to see the OTHER team.

But when the Heat went into the playoffs, the hysteria began. People who have never been to a basketball game suddenly became fans. The number of cars with Miami Heat flags started to grow. Tens of thousands of idiots became basketball experts overnight. All because "their team" was winning.

So last night when The Heat won the final game, all hell breaks loose. Thousands of people took to the street, driving around (WASTING GAS THAT THERE IS A WAR OVER) honking their horn. At 1 AM. It was more like tens of thousands really - and possibly as much as 100,000 people. All driving around honking car horns. And illegal train horns that the super mega assholes like to install in trucks.

And why? Why take to the streets over something as retarded as a basketball game? Because "their team" won? Do they OWN the team? Do they PLAY for the team? No, they do not. So how exactly is it "their" team?

Reliable spy contacts in the airport tell me that when the team flies in, they do not even look at people. They expect royal treatment, and just like real royalty they expect the bloody peasants to stay FAR away.

Teachers are barely paid $30,000 a year (first year) and these guys get millions to bounce a ball. Shows why this nation is going down the tubes, and places like China and India - which are making huge investments in education, are on the way to being the economic engines of the world. But who cares! Our basketball team can kick any Chinese basketball team. Of course, who would win in a math contest? A random American student or a random Chinese student? Which is more important?

So at 3 AM, assholes were still driving around my hood, honking their horn and speeding down the quiet residential streets. I guess they did not care that some of us had to go to this place called WORK in the morning. Oh hell no! Because the retarded are not aware of anything outside of their little world.

Next year, when The Heat does not win enough games to get to the playoffs, all the "fans" driving around with Heat flags wasting gas and making noise will have some other team flag - if any at all. This is what happened to The Marlins. They stopped winning - and the "fans" dumped the team. Idiots. All of them. EVERYONE who was out last night is an idiot. Brainless and clueless. And rude as hell, not even thinking that all that noise may keep people that have JOBS from getting sleep.

All that mattered was "their team" won. Everything else is not important. Sports is a POX on all of humanity. Tons of resources are wasted. An obscene amount of money is spent. The players are all treated like they are important to the well being of the planet.

Speaking of people important to the planet, I wonder how many of the idiots driving around last night know that the FDA recently approved a vaccine for cervical cancer, or know a SINGLE researcher who worked on the project? But they can tell you how many points Shaq scored. Which is really more important?

The BEST thing that could happen to the world is if everyone on the planet went just one season without going to a game. Empty arenas. Empty stadiums. Restaurants giving players this thing called a "bill" after a meal (they often eat for free, because they are better than you). And so on.


Blogger TLP said...

Well, if there was no riots and no cars-set-on-fire, you're still ahead of some cities!

Blogger Lissette said...

OH YAY! THEY APPROVED THE VACCINE!!! I've been reading up on it and didn't know that it finally got approved.

BTW, totally agree. This stupid "White-Hot-Heat" fanatacism is insane! Now they're going to throw a parade for them tomorrow on Biscayne Boulevard so that we can spend more money cleaning up the mess from the stupid parade for a stupid team that I truly don't care about!

Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I've responded to your comment over at mine, that post was just one in a long line that is part of an extended arguement.

Take care.

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Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, instant miami sports fans.. we're known for that. instant dolphins fans, instant marlins fans and now instant heat fans.

our tax dollars at waste. a parade for basketball players? AS IF they are war heroes or something. bullshit!


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