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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Flip-Flop Bill Frist

Vacation is over, so I decided to catch up on some news. Nothing much has happened really - except for one thing. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist flip-flopped on the stem cell research issue!

For my friends in the UK (and the rest of the world), Bill Frist is what you would call an arse hole of the first degree. He is the king of all arse-holes. None is bigger, or sticks more. Except for his boss, President Shrub.

As you may or may not be aware, President Shrub is dead set against stem cell research. Even when Nancy Regan, wife of republican hero Ronald Regan, asked for more stem cell research President Shrub said no. After all, the "culture of life", which Shrub claims to represent, is not compatible with stem cell research. But apparently the death penalty and war is! Go figure.

Anyway, Mr. Shrubs lap dog, Bill Frist, broke with his master and voiced his support for further stem cell research. So what gives? Here is my take on the whole thing.

President Shrub is playing up to the evangelical 10% - 15% of the population. He MUST suck up to this group if his little brother Jeb is going to make a move for president in 2008 or beyond. But what about the other 85%? They support stem cell research. The research may or may not turn out any results, but one thing is known. Preventing the research will NOT produce any results. Allowing the research may.

So if you are President Dumb Shit, what do you do? You must keep the 15% evangelical voting block happy, but you do not want to totally piss off the other 85%. And you can NOT flip-flop!! You are NEVER wrong! Changing your position means you can be wrong - and if you are wrong about stem cells you might be wrong about war!

So you do what any self respecting infallable human being would do. You have an underling do the flip-flop for you! This is what Frist did. He waffled so that his boss did not have to. Just like a good lap dog.

Now Bush can continue to suck up to the right to life people that support the DEATH PENALTY and WAR, but at the same time allowing the research to go on. He can veto a stem cell research bill, and know that it will still pass. This way, the fringe right will be happy that he (Bush) "did all he could, but the devil worshiping democrats got in his way", while the rest of the population will forget about the whole deal.

And most importantly, Bush will not have to say he was wrong. He will not have to flip his position. After all, the king is NEVER wrong!


Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Welcome back, Iguana!

You do mean Emperor or dictator when refering to W, do you not? A king at least, on occasion, does let other's voices be heard.

Blogger Fred said...

This should be interesting. Frist may be setting himself up for the next election by moving away from the evangelical right. He probably worked out a deal with Bush to alert him beforehand.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The evangelical endorsement is what wins or looses republican primaries.

Frist, a senator, needs to think about general elections. He can afford to blow off the 10%.

Or, the plot can be more sinister. Pass the bill, Bush vetos it, then another senate flip-flop prevents the 2/3 majority vote from happening.

Bush never has to change his view (he is one of those people who are never ever wrong about anything - it is always someone else who is wrong), all debate in the Senate is killed, the fringe 10% is happy, and the other 90% forgets about it because the "liberal" media will not report it. Come 2008 Frist is a general in the crusader army in the eyes of the fringe.

OR....Frist self destructs himself to the 10% so that a GOOBERner of Florida can run for office in 2008. In a primary, 10% is a lot. In a national election, it is pretty much a given that the fringe right will vote for any republican (same for the fringe left by the way).

Blogger TLP said...

I hadn't thought of these points.
But I totally agree with you.

I hope we get stem cell research. I'll take it anyway I can get it.

Blogger Lila said...

Yep, it's definitely pretty interesting. I'm with TLP -- I'll take stem cell research anyway it comes!

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Well, Bush makes me want to hack up a hairball, so...nuff said.

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