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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So Much To Do

Vacation time is creeping up on me. Normally this is GOOD thing, but then I remember that there is a lot of work involved in getting ready to go on vacation. Why is this? It seems to be so anti-vacation if you ask me.

One thing I have to do is clean out my truck. For most people, this would be no big deal. But I am not most people. I COULD have bought a standard cab truck, but I got the double cab (the truck is not any bigger, the bed is shorter in the Tacoma double cabs). Since I never have any humans in the back seat, I have to find other stuff to keep back there.

So what is back there? Two bowling balls, bowling shoes, a whole lot of red wire, towels, some glassware, and all sorts of other crap I never need in my truck but I keep it there anyway.

The front seat area is a little better. Sometimes, humans ride shotgun.

As you can see, it is a little better. On the floor is a dive flag, a can of coke, a strap wrench thing, and some paper I put there to protect the floor carpet. On the seat is my marine chart, and some tools I use for course plotting. That microphone looking thing is what controls my satellite radio.

At some point before I leave, I have to find a place to put all this crap. Some of it can go in the circular file, but most of it needs to be put away. That means finding a place to put it all.

But I am fairly lazy. Maybe this is why the bowling balls are still in my truck when the last time I went bowling was months ago. And add to this the fact that I am only 50% here right now.

It is very possible that all this stuff will go on vacation with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok look on the bright side
1- Your gas milage may increase.
2- Room for new stuff.
3- Room to lie down and take a nap (preferebly not while driving).
4- Room for a cooler.
5- Room for more beer.
6- Room for a better looking wench..I mean wrench.
7- Next time you are in the "Cone of Death" you have room for more of the important stuff.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Anon, *LOL*

Iguana, I am female (although I would agree with Acton Bell that mostly guys do it) and must confess my car often looks this bad, too. I don't know what is wrong. I start of with a clean car and the best of intentions, and then the Litter Fairies steal in at night and create havoc.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

Yep, my car looks like that sometimes too. I always resort to the hefty bag solution, it really works! And if you don't get it cleaned out? Who cares? You never know when a bowling ball might come in handy.

Blogger Lila said...

LOL! Great photojournalism!

Yeah, my car can be quite a mess too. (There's my gender dysphoria rearing its ugly head again!) I just cleaned it today, in fact, 'cause I had to give a ride to a bigwig. That was motivating.

Have a great vacation!

Blogger dddragon said...

When I had to clean out my old van to trade it in, I put everything that was in all the nooks and crannies, glove box, the drawer under the front seat, and all the stuff that was under the bench seats into grocery store bags and put them in our studio/office. There they sat for two months until my DH finally realized that these bags hadn't moved. I told them that I was going to go thru them sometime later. He started to do it, kept asking me if I REALLY wanted this or that. Finally I said, "oh, stop that and go ahead and toss it all." To which he said, "oh, no, there might be something useful here." He took the bags away and I haven't seen them again.

Blogger DazzlinDino said... like my work van......hope you don't use these pics on any singles sites
"wanted, attractive woman who can cook, make beer, clean fish, and clean truck. Must have Harley Davidson...."

Blogger TLP said...

My car is clean. Can't help myself. Somehow, it just stays clean.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

If a chick can not deal with my mess, then she can go somewhere else.

My next vehicle will NOT have a back seat. Simple as that.

Blogger K-Prime said...

The part I don't understand is the TWO bowling balls...

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