Have you seen this guy?
He is one of my former managers, from the days I worked for the (mumble mumble cough) agency at the airport. His job was apparently to see how often things could change in any given week.
And I think he works at more than one place. He might even make your schedule!
It seemed like my schedule was always getting messed with. So was my duty location, but that did not really bother me too much. I really did not care where I was supposed to work at each day.
Here is what would happen far too often. I would get a schedule that required me to work from 1:00 PM - 9:30 PM, with Monday and Tuesday off. Sunday would go fine, and of course my days off were always great. But then I would report to work on Wednesday.
About half way through my shift, Bozo would show up and want to speak to me. I would be handed a new schedule. The new schedule would change the time I had to report to work, as well as my days off. Here is an example:
Time to report to work: 4:30 AM - 1 PM.
Days off: Thursday and Friday.
Then I would be told that the new schedule takes effect Sunday, but I still have to report to work at 4:30 AM the next day.
So I would get off work at 9:30 PM, totally pissed off. Then I would get home, eat, watch TV, shower, sleep for an hour, then go back to work - in a VERY BAD MOOD.
Then Sunday would come. This reset my "40 hour week" clock to zero. My new days off (in this case Thursday and Friday) mean I get to work for 8 days consecutively without getting any overtime.
And when I mentioned this to anyone (stupidvisors OR managers) I would get the standard agency answer - "If you do not like it, you can find another job" or "you have to be flexable".
So I found another job. And since I felt no loyality at all to the agency, I did not feel too bad about only giving them 2 days notice. Before I left I made up some of these fliers, and left them around.
By the way, a STUPIDvisor is someone who watches you work, tells you that everything you are doing is wrong, then walks away. They contribute nothing at all of any value.
They are like diapers, always on your ass and full of shit. Kind of like this guy.
Yeah, I worked for that guy. He did the same damned thing to me. He was also really good at scheduling the same people to work the weekend shifts even though we were supposed to rotate through that responsibility.
Wow. He must have a clone. I've worked for him too.
I have never understood why they can't make schedules a month out. That is what *I* always did as a manager.
Those Bozo impersonators are indeed a bad lot.
Try to make the best of the day.
I hate it when a manager won't step in and help when things get busy. I've watched managers & ass't managers stand within sight of a long cashier line and continue to yak. All it takes is to open another register, stay ten minutes or less and make the customers happy and the employees think better of you.
I also hate it when a manager won't manage. I don't mean micro-manage, but control those employees who are making it miserable for the rest. The last retail place I worked, four of us quit because of two newer employees (I had been there 14 years). You can "let it roll of your back" only so long.
I'm glad I never had that stupidvisor!
I've actually had only one boss that I couldn't stand. I had one other boss who was a bit of a dope. Mostly, I've been really lucky that way.
I've been pretty lucky too. No really stupidvisors. But I've had a hateful supervisor. Maybe that's an odious-overseer.
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