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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Not the main post for the day

This is NOT the main post for the day, so do not forget to read beyond this one. It will be worth it. Trust me. This post is more serious.

If you live on the Texas Gulf Coast, do not panic but DO CHECK YOUR SUPPLIES! If you are in a flood zone, make a plan NOW. Will you go to a public shelter? If so, which one? Can you crash someone elses pad? Check with them now. Do you have everything you need to secure your property? If not, better get that stuff while you can. If you have old shutters, give them a quick look. Are they rotting? Are they horribly warped? Now is the time to fix that.

Even if you live inland, you might get a lot of rain. If your area is prone to flooding this might be a concern.

Remember, Red Cross shelters will NOT take pets. The only exception are service animals (seeing eye dogs).

BABY SUPPLIES! Go buy some extra supplies now. You are going to use them anyway. Figure that you need 2 weeks of baby stuff. And if Emily does not hit - keep the stuff till hurricane season is over.

If you have a generator, and you have not used it since you bought it 5 years ago, try to start it up. If it will not start, you can do something about it now.

And remember, if you do all this stuff now you will be ready for whatever might come. If you need it - you will have it. If nothing hits, you can always store the shutters and hardware and consume the food and water.

Also, you will sleep better. And you will NOT be one of those people standing in like for 4 hours to get a sheet of plywood, or a gallon of water.


Blogger The Devil Uno said...

Is this the cost of living in paradise? Is it scary? or like exciting to know that weather might godsmack you? I really want to live near palm trees is it worth it?

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

YES! I never have to shovel snow, yellow or otherwise.

I also never have to chip ice off my windshield.

As for the storms, the last hurricane to hit Miami was Andrew in 1992. From then to now all of em missed.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I'll second that! Take it from us Floridians who've lived here all our lives.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

Well, I have a bottle of water and a can of chili. That should be good.

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the help! Im in North Texas, so shouldnt be a problem. Came across your blog and thought it was hilarious!!

Blogger TLP said...

You're sweet to give good advise to others.

I grew up in TN; I've lived in sunny CA; now I live in PA. Every place has its problems. Every place has its good points.


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