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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Chick Problems

It seems that the Dixie Chicks are still in the line of fire. At least they are according to CNN.

As you may remember, at one point they were the hottest thing to happen to Country Music since.....well since Johnny Cash set his ring on fire.

I did not know this, but they were the biggest selling female group in music history.

But then they dared to disparage the Emperor. And just like that the same people that made them the biggest selling female group in music history started sending in the death threats.

Country Music format stations will not play anything by the Dixie Chicks anymore. Here is a quote from one country radio programmer, (the song is) "a four-minute f--- you to the format and our listeners. I like the Chicks, and I won't play it."

So this programmer knows how everyone who listens to country music thinks? The format of country music requires you to kiss the ass of The President? What is that President is Clinton? If the Chicks had said in 1998 "Clinton blows goats" would they have been banned?

No, of course not.

So to recap, if you are a country music fan and you do not support Bush - then you better swap formats before other listeners find out and start to send you death threats. And you should NEVER EVER think for yourself. You should let some station manager think for you.

Right now Bush's approval ratings are under 30%. Even when Fox News takes the poll, approval is under 30%. Simple math leads one to conclude that for approval to be as low as 30%, people that listen to country music MUST be part of the 70%.

And that 70% ought to STOP TUNING into FM country stations. Let the ratings fall. Play CDs. Or if you are in the 70% and you still listen to country stations, lie when you get a ratings diary. Say you listen to the smooth jazz station - even though nobody does. When the numbers drop, the message to the station managers will be clear.

Stop F___ing with your music.

That or the Dixie Chicks need to change their name to The Non-Geographic Specific Chicks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i listen to radio station MP3. no commercials, all music i like, no censoring. downside is i have to wait till i hear about a cool new song through the grapevine. its a small price to pay though to get away from 20 minutes of commercials an hour and the same shit being played over and over.

corporate radio blows.


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