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Friday, June 30, 2006

Day Number 1.

So today was day 1 of 4 days off! This is the most time off I have taken since I got the airport job - which by the way is almost one year ago.

I had big plans for today. I was going to clean out my truck, go to the dealership, and find out the details involved in getting a transmission cooler installed.

But - I got lazy. I turned off my alarm cell phone and went back to sleep this morning. There was no cleaning of the truck. There was no going to the dealership. There was nothing of anything.

Yea, I got lazy. I could have done a bunch of stuff - but I did not. What was the point?!?!?!

Tomorrow I might clean out my truck. Maybe. I might also go find out about the transmission cooler. I need the transmission cooler - it will extend the life of my transmission, which will safe me money in the long run. It will also help when I tow the boat.

Speaking of the boat - I have not been using the darn thing! So I might do so Monday. If the weather is going to be decent that is. I would go tomorrow but why bother. I do not feel like it.

So that is it! On day 1 of my 4 day weekend I elected to do not a damn thing.


Blogger TLP said...

Good job on the "doing nothing." Best way to spend your time I say.

Loved the last few posts! Sake is adorable. You know, I did wonder how there was cat hair in my car. Must have gotten there via Sake, you, the airport, on a plane, to my "local" airport, then on someone to my car. WOW. What a trip Sake's hair has taken. Thanks for having her shaven. But there's enough hair on her tail to stuff a pillow. Just sayin'.

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