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Saturday, June 10, 2006


This is just too good to pass up commenting on.

It seems that while stumbling through news sites at work (part of my job IS to keep track of what is going on in the world, I have to do weekly reports and everything), I came across this little bit of info.

Angry owners uses dead puppy as a weapon. Here is what happened. Some IDIOT paid money for a puppy. Never mind the fact that dogs are free - anyone with more than three brain cells to rub together knows that all you have to do is go to the pound and there will be hundreds of mostly free dogs to choose from. And if you paid money for a cat - well I am sorry but you can I put this F-Tard. I have never paid one penny for a cat, and yet I have never been cat-less.

Anyway, this lady paid money to a breeder for a chihuahua. A Chihuahua! Or should I say "aye Chihuahua!". Why anyone wants one of these yappy little mutts is a mystery to me. To be a "dog" said beast should weigh at least 20 pounds. Anything less is more like a "rat".

Drat! Sidetracked again! Getting back to my original rant, the 33 year old woman bought a little rat dog from some TWIT "breeder". When the new owner took the puppy to the vet, she was told that it was at the most 4 weeks old and must be returned to the mother. On her way back to the breeder, the puppy croaked. It kicked the bucket. It was no more. And so on.

Why the TWIT "breeder" even sold the dog in the first place is crazy. Anyone smarter than a bacteria knows that a 4 week old puppy that weighs less then a peanut is NOT ready to be taken away from the mother. Someone ought to smack the "breeder!"

So the buyer did just that. The morning after the puppy croaked, she went back to the person who sold the dog, broke into her house, and beat her USING the dead puppy as a weapon. She tried to get to the basement to get a replacement puppy - which would have probably died too seeing as how it could not be any older than the dead one.

Now what does my brain decidER to do upon reading this story? Laugh. Actually more like a chuckle.

THAT IS HORRIBLE!!! I know you are thinking that. What could possibly be funny about a person beating someone else over the head with a dead puppy?

As many of you probably know, I am a fan of Monty Python. I even bought all the Flying Circus episodes on DVD, along with the Python movies. So of course I INSTANTLY thought of this comedy sketch.

The Dead Parrot Sketch! This puppy is no more! It has ceased to be! It has expired and gone to meet its maker! This is a late puppy!

So yea, it was funny. To me anyway. If you have never seen the Dead Parrot Sketch, click the picture. After you watch the video clip, read the MSNBC story. If you do not at least chuckle, you are not a Python fan.


Blogger TLP said...

Didn't hear about this. I had to laugh reading the post. Of course you HAVE to think about the Dead Parrot Sketch.

Blogger The Devil Uno said...

Art mimics life mimics art.

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