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Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Post

Memorial Day is a confusing holiday for me.

It was not always confusing. When I was younger, I could get by without thinking about stuff. Maybe it was the weed. Who knows.

Anyway, once I started to think about stuff I realized something. Memorial Day is one F-ed up holiday!!

On one hand, why not get drunk and have a BBQ. Why not go out in the boat, drink beer and frolic in Biscayne Bay! After all, this is "freedom" right?!?!?!

On the other hand, this is a solemn time, a time when we are supposed to remember those who died for our freedom.

Which brings me back to point #1. What better way to honor those who died for our freedom by going out ant having a ton of fun being free! Why not go get stewed, then pass out somewhere!
On the other hand, maybe getting drunk at a BBQ is the WRONG thing to do for this holiday.

So, which is it? Drunken mayhem or a solemn occasion? BBQ or little flags everywhere?

Clearly, to most of the population drunken BBQ wins out. This is more fun, so this is what most people are into.

In Miami, this is a horrible time to launch your boat. On Memorial Day, EVERYONE is out on the water. Alcohol sales spike. Drunken mayhem in the tourist areas peak.

I will be working. My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday.

The point I am getting at is that society is fucked. Nobody knows their ass from a hole in the ground. There is a WAR GOING ON right now, and still Memorial Day is (to the vast majority) just an excuse to get drunk and have a three day weekend.

And the sane minority wonders why the world is insane.

But the point is - how do we REALLY honor the war dead? Is it better to just pretend that everything is OK, get drunk, and party for the three day weekend - or is it better to spend the weekend being all solemn and stuff?

I just do not know. I can argue for either view point.


Blogger The Devil Uno said...

You forgot Flagellism. Where we whip ourselvves to experience the nirvana of pain.


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