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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Locked Out?

Commenting on Saur's blog just now made me realize a few things.

1. This blog pretty much presents many of my thoughts and opinions - and they are not exactly what you will hear on the State Run News (Fox).

2. I sent the Republican National Convention Monopoly money during the 2004 elections. They felt the need to include me in their fund raising mail list, so I sent them the contribution they deserve. Bullshit money for bullshit policies I say! Not that I was a huge Kerry fan, I figured we could just get rid of him in 4 years.

3. I have sent letters to a bunch of people in the State Of Florida government (which is how the RNC got my address by the way). The last letter I sent off was about a casino measure in South Florida. Voters in one county voted to ALLOW Vegas style machines, Jeb Bush fought the measure. When the voters approved it anyway, Jeb wasted NO TIME using his power as governor to undermine the will of the voters. My letter said "quit screwing around and honor what WE THE PEOPLE voted for. You are NOT the boss, the voters are." The point is they were NOT letters of support.

On top of this, my application for a passport required me to state when I planned to travel, and where I was going.

Now lets put all the pieces of the puzzle together, and add a twist of conspiracy theory!

The powers that are do not need to try very hard to figure out who I am. Hell, I admitted to sending Monopoly money to the RNC! How many other people did this? And my name was nicely pre-printed on the thing I sent back in with the "contribution". And they know I am going to Mexico in August. They know the day I am leaving, the day I plan to arrive, where I am leaving from, and the ship I will be on (CBP gets a passenger manifest of all ships and planes arriving to the USA from an international location).

So....will they let me back in? Only time will tell. I will hedge my odds and remember to bring back some good stuff from the duty free shop. That way if I am locked out at least I will have a few days supply of rum. Maybe Ill get myself a grand sailing ship and be a pirate! Yarrrrrg!

I will need a parrot. And treasure to plunder! Or maybe I will have to be like Cheech in that "Born In East L.A." movie, and find a way to sneak across the Mexican / US border.


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