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Friday, May 20, 2005

Congress continues it's obsession of drugs

This just in - three members of congress (more than likely republicans) want to introduce a law that would require drug testing for professional sports. Will it ever end?

Why do I think that the three members are republicans? Simple - they are now the party of micromanagement. They are doing this in the name of "morality" and "values". Also, it distracts people from the mess in the middle east.

What happened to the republican party that was for LESS government interference? Remember that party? Now, they are obsessed with pandering to the evangelical conservative christians. Any law, no matter how intrusive, is too much for them - as long as the law can be justified as moral or value based. Take gay marriage. I personally do not care if two twinks want to get married. Why would same sex weddings "de-value" the family? Just because two men get married, I am suddenly going to shun my family? Not likely. They (the christians) will claim that a marriage is something done before god - hogwash! A marriage (as far as States are concerned) is a LEGAL CONTRACT entered into by two people. You can have a judge marry you, you can have a justice of the peace marry you, and in Las Vegas you can have some dude dressed up like Elvis marry you. In every state - such secular marriages are JUST AS VALID as if the Pope performs the ceremony. Nobody is telling churches that they must perform gay marriages, but churches are trying to tell states, and the federal government, what contracts they should recognize as valid.

If you ask me, what cheapens marriage more than same sex weddings is the high divorce rate in our society. Nobody is talking about that. No churches want to make divorce illegal. And nobody wants to explore why divorce is so common - namely our economic system. The American Dream is now defined as a nice home full of nice things, a cool car, snappy clothes, etc. Your "success" is judged by how much useless crap you have. The family that always buys used cars, that shops for clothes at discount stores, that has old furniture, that does not have a flat screen HDTV - but where the husband and wife have stayed married are not as successful as people who have a new BMW, leather couches, a new boat, and are divorced. THAT is what has cheapened the family, not gay people.

Anyway, back to drug testing professional athletes. While I do not care about sports in the slightest, I think that congress needs to worry about other things. The government has no right to tell employers who they can and can not hire - it should be up to the employer. Obviously, employers that use discriminatory practices in regard to race, national origin, physical disability, etc SHOULD be illegal. But the choice to drug test or not is not something government needs to worry about. Do I care if some football player is on drugs? Not really.

Now I know that some people might say "but sports holes are role models for children!" Here is what I think of that. The only reason your kids idolize some idiot that can catch a ball is because YOU the parent thought them to me. My dad was never a big sports fan. He would watch the Stupid Bowl, but that is about it. As a consequence, I never looked up to any athlete. So do not cry to me that your kids think that someone who is barely literate is a hero.

Sports is a national sickness. Kids grow up thinking that celebrities and athletes can do whatever they want. Who cares if you get bad grades, as long as you can throw a ball! Who cares if you can not read, as long as you can hit a ball with a stick! But do not use drugs! Kids look up to you! We do not care if kids can not read, or do math - as long as they are not on drugs!

Besides, public schools can always be blamed when kids can not read. Then vouchers can be issued, removing money from the public system and shifting it to private systems. Once there is no more public system, the takeover will be complete. People without a lot of money will have to send their kids to second rate private schools (old computers, old books, non-certified teachers, etc), while the wealthy will send their kids to schools with the best everything. This is much better than fixing the public system.


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