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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Drug Test Congress

In the latest act of insanity, the Congress of the USA has decided to hold hearings on products that claim to be able to defeat drug tests. Like there is nothing else more important for congress to hold hearings on - for example the food for oil scandal. Yes, some slimeballs in DC are trying to blame all the problems in Iraq on the UN. EXCUSE ME!??!?! The UN did not decide to invade the place. People like George Galloway of Scotland are right to speak up.

Anyway, I am veering off subject. Congress wants to hold hearings on and possibly (likely) ban products advertised to help beat the drug test. I believe there is only ONE foolproof way to cheat the drug test - you study for at least 1 month. After 1 month of not using drugs, even Cheech and/or Chong could pass a drug test. Those teas and pills and crap do not work all the time. And they will NOT work for random tests, when your employer hands you a cup and says "pee in this by the end of the day". The only time the products might work is for pre-employment screening.
So now Congress is going to pass laws about what I can and can not do to my piss. Is this not totally insane? I do not think the "fool the drug test" products actually work, which is why the companies that sell the products refused to testify.

Yea, you might know some guy who smokes pot and passed a random test. He might claim that it was due to detox tea. Maybe it was, OR maybe he got lucky and his test was a false negative (the pee test is the least accurate way to test for drugs, hair is the most accurate). Give Mr. Pot Head 10 drug tests and you will see his luck change. It is all a matter of odds.

Therefore, I propose that we DRUG TEST ELECTED OFFICALS! You know some of them are smoking something. How else would they know about all the products that claim to help pass a drug test? They must be shopping for them.

As for me, I quit smoking pot a number of years ago because I was going to graduate from college and figured that I might want a job. Knowing the only way to pass a piss test 100% of the time was to go clean - I did. I ran out of my last bag of weed on Thanksgiving Day 2001 and never bought more. I can pass drug tests all day and night. Will I ever smoke again? Most likely, yes I will. But not anytime soon. I have to get a better job first.

And Congress - please STOP WASTING MY TAX MONEY! If you want to hold hearings on something, hold them on something of substance, not baseball players using roids or fake products that do not help you pass a drug test.


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