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Saturday, May 28, 2005

What will come to be

This post shall be about me predicting the future. And unlike a man who lived in France about 500 years ago, I will not make my predictions cryptic. Besides, all this has happened before, so all I am saying is it WILL happen again

First off, this is what will happen to the republican party. It will go further and futher to the right. The crazy people on the fringe right are NOT the majority of the party, but they are the most vocal and pushy - so right now they are getting their way. They will continue to push to the right. They will get louder and louder, and more and more demanding. At some point the whole thing will blow up in their face, and they will loose the party.

This has already happened. The fringe has been able to make "liberal" a bad word, and been able to label "moderates" as people that can not make up their minds. This means that according to the far right, only consertives who think exactly like them AND do not ever change their minds are "strong leaders". The problem with electing people who think like this is that people DO make mistakes! To me, if you make a bad decision you should NOT keep doing the same thing and hope the results change. Doing so is what Albert Einstien called insanity. The smart thing to do is to "waffle" and try something else.

And as for the charge that moderates can not make up their mind without looking at a poll - EXCUSE ME! WE THE PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO RUN AMERICA! Politicians SHOULD look at opinion polls, the people being polled ARE THE BOSS! Keeping people in office that do not care about the opinion of the people is dangerous. I do not care what party a politician is part of, if they are not going to listen to the people they need to GO!

So this is what will happen. Sooner or later, the moderate majortity will just not be able to take it anymore. The republicans will veer too far to the right, and they will loose elections. Moderate democrats will get swept into power. For a while, things will be ok.

but then the democrats will allow the same thing to happen. The fringe left will creep in, and slowly take over the party. After some time, the party will have fewer moderates and more far leftists. The crazy ideas will begin to to become mainstream - and at that time the voters will swing back to moderate republicans. Then the cycle will begin all over again.

So hang in there folks. What we have now we will not have forever. Already, the backlash is rumbling. I do not think that anything will change in 2006, but I do see changes possible for 2008. It is rather hard to run against a sitting president, but in 2008 Bush can not run again. Two totally new people will be running for the job.

I am more of a moderate than anything. On some issues, I tend to take a more liberal stand. On other issues, I favor a more consertive view. Then there are some issues I have to think about, to decide how I really feel about it.

What I like to see is power split evenly. If the republican party has the white house, the democrat party should have the congress - but not by enough to overturn a veto! If the democrats have the white house, the republicans should have the congress - but once again not with a 2/3 majority. This way NEITHER party can just push their crap through. The government is forced to listen to the other side, and cut deals with them. The majority in congress can block agenda items they do not like, but they will not be powerful enough to push stuff through if the president vetos it. The winners in this case - we the people.

This is what I hope happens in 2006. And of not, this is what I would like to see in 2008.


Blogger GodlessMom said...

Brilliant and right on the money!

Because I am an atheist and socially liberal many people assume that I fall down and worship at the alter of Michael Moore.

But the truth is that even though I may disagree with them, the extreme right are also citizens of this country and as such deserve to have their opinions heard by our government.

Your statement that the elected officials are there to represent their people is dead on. This is what I found so funny about the charges made during the last election that Kerry was the most liberal senator....Duh, he represents one of our country's most liberal constituencies..he is supposed to vote as a representative of his people. What the heck is wrong with that?

Moderates can't make up their minds? Moderates just might save us all.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Absolutely great idea, if it could happen.

I absolutely agree with you that the definition of the Republican party has changed, not just in terms of leadership, but in terms of how the number of type of person who belongs these days. I would love to see a satistical poll showing a correlation or lack there of between level of education and party membership.
The reason I say this, is because I think as a country, we are becomming less instrested in higher education for our children. I wonder to what extent that correlates with party affiliation?

The Republicans WANT us to believe that there is no-one suitable to represent the party and lead us into the 2008 election. I believe godless mom calls this confirmation bias. I think it is a significant term, one not to be ignored when looking at how this party operates and will continue to operate in an attempt to keep and maintain control.

I'm glad to have found your blog.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whispering---it is lose-----not loose.
I love the commentary.


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