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Friday, May 20, 2005

Flushing the Koran

Here we go again! As if that whole prision torture thing were not enough, now there are reports that prisioner's copies of the koran were ripped up and flushed down the toilet, apparently as a way to make them talk. I have to wonder what goon came up with this idea.

Of course someone leaked, and now the world knows about it. In the muslim world, this is a big deal. Imagine the fuss that the born agains in charge of the republican party would make if copies of the bible were ripped up and thrown into porta-potties at a gay rally? They would be outraged! How dare someone desicrate the holy book! And so on. But, when it is someone elses holy book, aparantly it is OK.

In the middle east, the fundamentalist islamic crazy people are saying that the west hates islam, that the christian and jewish crusaders want to take over all muslim holy land, and so on. We say it is not true, we just want to spread "freedom" and "liberty" - but then we use their bible as toilet paper. This action only gives credibility to the crazy towel wearing fundies. What would you believe if you were a muslim, the guys who are using your "word of god" as toilet paper, or the priest who says the west hates you?

No matter how you look at the situation, it was a stupid move. As long as stuff like this keeps happening, things will not get better. At times like this, I seriously question the motive for moving to war in the first place. What are we really trying to do in the middle east? If the answer is to really spread freedom, this is an ass backwards way of doing so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, Iguana Man, that was a bogus story. You shouldn't believe everything you read, especially in Newsweek.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Not exactly my foaming at the mouth hysterical right wing friend.

Just today, the commander of the GETMO base admitted that an offical investigation, done by the US Marine Corps, found 5 instances where the Koran was "mishandled". What mishandled means they did not say, it could mean flushing or it could mean something else.

It is bad policy to allow this kind of stuff to continue. It undermines the efforts made by the US and the international community in the middle east.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But did you SEE the people working at the prison where this allegedly happened? That Lindy girl? Gosh, she looks like she probably works for Dade County. Who puts this kind of person in charge with no supervision? Scary.


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