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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Retarded County Employees

I thought Dade County did not hire total retards. Well, I was wrong. They recruit straight from the special olympics. The worst part is they do not hire the person who wins the gold medal. They hire the people that get the ribbon for trying.

So why would I say this? Get ready, this might take some time.

Today I decided to use my boat. I like using my boat. I get to drink beer and hang out on the water, where no assholes can piss me off. Except for when I am at the boat ramp.

Dade County used to have a guy at the boat ramp that would collect your user fee ($10) then hand you a ticket you left on your dashboard to show you paid. This system worked perfectly. So, Dade County decided to fuck it all up.

They got rid of the guy in the booth and replaced him with automated pay stations. First off, it SUCKS ASS when some stupid machine takes over the job of a HUMAN BEING. Fuck the machines.

To make matters worse, there was a guy who did not speak english that insisted that I pay before I park. Why does this matter? Obviously you never launched a boat.

I trailer my boat. So after I put the boat in the water, I had a truck and an empty boat trailer. When I went to park the truck (to get it out of the way) the no-speak-english guy would not let me. So, I had to leave my truck where it was, get out, and pay. Meanwhile my truck and trailer was blocking up the works so nobody behind me could move. This caused people waiting to launch their boats to sit there, looking at usused boat slips that they could not get to because there were a bunch of empty trailers blocking them because I was using the pay station.

I tried to tell the retard that I was going to pay, but first I needed to get the trailer out of everyone's way. But NOOOOOOOO that would be too easy. The retard insisted that I pay first, blocking everything.

I did call the guy the following: dick head, moron, and fucking idiot - all in the same sentence. I am going to send angry hate mail to the county after I finish my beer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is funny for the following reasons:

1) Yes, the guy was a retard. I concur that he should've just let you park AND THEN pay instead of causing traffic, a scene, and unnecessarily pissing people off when all they're trying to do is launch a boat to have a good time...


2) you wrote this while at dinner with us while you were still pissed off and drinking that crazy double dog screw ale or whatever the heck is was called, in your #12 beer club mug.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

UPDATE! I sent angry hate mail to the Parks Department, and I called the Crandon Park Marina manager. The manager agreed that there was some jackassery afoot, and promised to address the problem. I was not the only one who complained.


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