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Thursday, June 09, 2005

New Job?

Today, out of the clear blue sky, a job called.

I did not have to be at my current job till 4:30 PM, so I was just kind of lounging in bed, thinking about getting up. It was noon. But I did not have to pee, so I was not going to get up. The remote control was in easy reach. Life was good.

Anyway, my cell phone rings. I do not know the number - so I know it is not a friend. I figure it is just a wrong number.

But it was not a wrong number. It was operations at Miami International Airport. I agreed to go to an interview at 2 PM. Then I had to get up, shower, pee, brush my teeth, find good clothes, locate a tie (100% silk by the way) find my good shoes, and all that stuff.

But all the effort was worth it! As it turns out, they are looking for someone to meet important people as they de-plane and walk them through the whole Customs/Immigration process. What kind of important people? Diplomats, Presidents, Kings, and other assorted heads of state. WOW! I thought that this would be pretty cool! What a good break for me!

They are also looking for trainers. I happen to work for a very well known tutoring company, and I have worked for Dade County Public Schools teaching middle school science. Can I give training seminars? You bet! Can I speak in front of a room full of people? Not a problem! I am actually very good at running my mouth.

The only problem is that they would like someone who can speak spanish. I can not do this. But there are more languages on the planet than spanish and english - so I do not think that this will be a huge problem. What if the important person is a diplomat from Iceland? Does anyone working at the airport speak Icelandic? Probably not.

Also, educated people from the rest of the world (NOT America) can by and large speak at least 2 languages - their native language and english. So I think that I could do the job.

I think I did well in the interview. They are only going to interview 4 or 5 people including me. They need someone to start next week. Unless all the other people called have part time jobs or jobs they are willing to ditch with no notice, I might be the only choice.

I will know by Tuesday if I am selected. I would like to get the job. Dade County is a good employer, and the airport is a kinda cool place to work.


Blogger TLP said...

WOW! Cool beans! I am WAY impressed. I sure hope you get the job. Imagine what great stories you will have to post.

Blogger dddragon said...

Keeping fingers crossed ... hope you get it!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I worked at the airport before. In a former life, I was a federal security screener working for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). We called it "Thousands Standing Around". Hahhahahahaha

Blogger Lilly and Willow said...

Good luck. I think arabic would be more imporant than Spanish???

Blogger Lissette said...

This seems to be the week of good job news! I'm getting a promotion and Gordo is getting a raise. It must be something in the air.

BTW, yes you are REALLY good at running your mouth, but then again, so am I. Refer to the latest rant on the SFFMA mailing list.

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

Good going. And they tracked you down, too. That's my kind of job search.


Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Welcome to the blog Econo-Girl I enjoy reading your posts, I hope you like mine.


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