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Thursday, July 21, 2005

One More Day Left!!

I am down to my last day before I am on vacation. Here is a brief list of things I still need to do.

1. Clean out the truck (photos in the previous post)
2. Pack (I plan to use the plastic bag method. It only takes 5 minutes)
3. Take the lizard cages to the lizard sitter's house.
4. Clean all the garbage and junk from the flatbed trailer so that I have a place to load the lizard cages for transport.
5. Fill up the gas tank. All 18.5 gallons. Blah.
6. Buy some alcohol. I am going to vodka and rum. Possibly some te-kill-ya.
7. Cats have to go to the vet for storage. I will do this Friday to save some bucks.
8. Get the boat ready for towing. Everything loose on the deck has to find a home, and everything that can not be placed in a hatch needs to be tied down.
9. Move some other stuff to a storage place I have access to, so if someone breaks in while I am gone it can not get stolen. I do not care about the TV but I would rather my rifles stay off the street.
10. Other stuff I am forgetting about.

I have to work from 2:00 PM - 8:30 PM. A short day, but I get off late. Knowing me I will sleep in, and just stay up most of the night getting stuff done.

And of course, I will forget something. I always do.

The next post will be from Sanibel Island. Unless I forget my laptop. Unless I forget something, I will have a high speed wireless network set up. There should be an ethernet plug in thing by the phone. I have a wireless thingie I can plug into the thing by the phone. That way, I can blog from the porch. While drinking.

There will be some GREAT posts. I rant best when slightly drunk. Any more than slightly drunk and the word "glad" looks like this: kftz.


Blogger GodlessMom said...

Good luck getting all of that done! I look forward to your next post! Be careful on your journey.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Good luck, and have a safe and fun journey!

Blogger Fred said...

Don't rant when you're slighly drunk, wait until you're really drunk.

Then we'll really get some wild posts!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Yea, really good posts that contain a lot of bad typing errors - errors so bad that they resemble a string of random letters.

It is really hard to type when you see three keyboards moving around in small circles tghat overlap.

Blogger Jane said...

Have a good holiday L.I. Drunken ramblings are good fun to read!

Blogger Tom & Icy said...

We'll be checking on you!

Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

Enjoy your vacation. The posts will indeed be interesting! Stay out of "super-drunk" territory; you need to atleast be able to type something we can read.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Iguana, you'll be near us! We just went out to Sanibel Island today on a nice power boat. I am soooo burned and sore. But we had great fun.

Blogger Lila said...

Good luck, and have a wonderful vacation!

Blogger TLP said...

Hope you don't forget anything important. Like the laptop.

I like posts that are written while folks are slightly buzzed.


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