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Thursday, July 07, 2005

We are all going to die!

It is that time of year again. What time would I be posting about? Why hurricane season!

This is the latest track for Hurricane Dennis. It was taken from the National Weather Service 3 PM update. As of right now, Miami is in the 20% - 40% probability of tropical storm force winds. Of course, this prediction is highly inaccurate. If the thing jogs just a little to the west, that probability will drop like a rock.

ONE model has the storm going east into the Miami area. ONE. Out of like a dozen. What you see above is the most likely track based on the voodoo done by computers.

Just to give you an idea of how the models work, one has it going into Miami, one has it swiping the west coast of FL, and the rest have the thing staying offshore till it gets somewhere from Lousiana to the Panhandle.

In other words, right now Miami has the same chance for a hit as Orlando, Tampa, and pretty much the rest of the state. But not really. Miami has more like a 0% - 3% chance of a hit. I am about as worried over this storm as a Bill Gates is over a single share of Microsoft.

I have not watched any local TV, but I would bet that the weather goons are playing this up to the max. After all, when does the weather goon get to sit at the grown-up's table to do his report? Never thats when. The weather dude/chick is confined to their blue screen. And they never give their report early in the newscast - they are used more as filler. After the captivating story about the kitten stuck in a storm drain.

My Iguana sense is NOT tingling. I think the thing will stay well to the west. Why? There is high pressure to the east, which will push it to the west. Dennis will hit somewhere, but it will not be South Florida, or the Fort Myers / Sanibel Island area. My vacation is still on.

But bring on the hysteria! It is funny. People go nuts over nothing.


Blogger GodlessMom said...

Ya, I agree with you. I think this one is going to head west. I don't think it will move far enough to hit Houston but I bet Louisiana is going to get some rain. It's funny how all the tropical storms so far this season have headed into the gulf though. What's that about?

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I don't know. I'm a hardened Florida native, and nothing really scares me (though maybe it should). I've weathered countless hurricanes. I did buy a generator this year, which is probably $700 wasted.

Blogger TLP said...

Weather people do love horrible weather don't they? LOL

Hope you are correct, and you probably are.

Blogger The Devil Uno said...

Br brave little lizard buddy

Blogger Fred said...

We're thinking alike. I put together my next post today about hurricanes. I got caught up in Andrew, so I thought it was timely.

If anything, we're more at risk in Tampa Bay than you are.

Blogger dddragon said...

I love going to the grocery store just to laugh at people stocking up on milk and bread when we get a forecast of snow. It's sooo funny.


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