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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blogshares. And Stuff.

Today I want to type about a few things added to the ever growing list of crap in my sidebar. I keep adding stuff here so that I can always make a post about it. One day I will organize it better.

First on my list is a whole new game! I love games. This game is called "Blogshares". It is like a fake stock market where shares in blogs are traded on an open market. Econo-Girl, you might really get a kick out of this site. Anyway, here are the numbers for Lazy Iguana Stock.

1. Total shares: 6,000
2. Shares available: 0
3. Price B$197.74
4. P/E: 170.66 (would be higher, but I issued 1,000 more shares yesterday).
5. Highest price: 197.74
6. Lowest price: $4.60

I do not know how stock is valued, but I have a feeling it has to do with the trading volume, the number of shares not bought, who your blog links to, and who links to your blog. My outgoing links are worth B$306.60. In other unrelated news, if I link to your blog, you owe me $306.60. Make your checks out to "cash", that is what my friends call me.

Anyway, if you want to check out this fake stock market, there is a "Listed Blogshares" thing under the top 10 countries thing. You can not miss it. There is a new link in my international blogs section to Raph's Adobe Abode. This is where I discovered Blogshares.

Speaking of the NeoCounter stuff, how cool is that? Yea, the Geo-Loc thing I finally got to work is nifty, but how do you know exactly where that little itty bitty red dot is supposed to be? Why, you check out NeoCounter! Then play "match the red dots up to the list of countries". As you can see my the map, which I will hereby call my "world domination map", my blog is slowly spreading all over the world. Already I have infiltrated Bermuda, Canada, The UK, Belgium, Kenya, Australia, Indonesia, and most recently Saudi Arabia. I would like to inflitrate The Netherlands next, just so I can establish an embassy there. Then I can travel to and from there with my special diplomatic pouch that can not be searched. The Lazy Iguana Embassy will be right next to a "coffee shop". In fact, it might just be a special table at a "coffee shop" reserved for me.

Then again, maybe not. The whole idea of world domination is NOT to establish diplomatic relations - it is to invade and take over! Those are MY windmills now! But taking over places requires a lot of effort, and I am fairly lazy. So maybe all I need is a table in a coffee shop, where I can hang out and....uhhh...drink coffee and stuff.


Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Yeah....You got your sidebar working again! I was wondering why it was so far below the comments.

Blogger Jane said...

I've got Iran and Barhain and Chile so you can keep your hands of them! Oh and Brazil is mine mine mine!

Sorry, thought we were playing Risk!

Glad to see you got your Geo-Loc map working it is pretty nifty and their stats are excellent for recording which countries have visited in the past as it doesn't dump the older stats after so many hits.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

Hey, save me a seat at that global domination coffee table! Blogshares is an interesting thing but I find that if I pay too much attention to that sort of stuff I start putting too much thought into what my readers might like and not enough thought into my own feelings. I start posting for the masses instead of for myself. I know, it sounds all touchy feely and girlish but hey, I'm female...What can I say?

Blogger Lila said...

I like all the sidebar stuff. I'm interested in your where-the-visitors-are-from stuff. It's kinda cool.

Blogger DazzlinDino said...

Is the 'Link Fee' retroactive to past links, or is it just for current and future links, cause I would have to go through my archives, which there will be an administration fee for, oddly enough it is for $306.60. So since the two fees cancel each other out, will reciepts be required?

In reguards to your World domination idea, you have my full support. Could I be the Ambassador to someplace-really-cool, like Amsterdam or something, and what will my budget be? Hope it's more than $306.60.

The NeoGlobe Thingy is cool, mind if I check it out for my site as well???

Blogger TLP said...

You have a bunch of really good stuff on your sidebar. I've never seen any other blog with the Top 10 Country thing, and the NeoCOUNTER is amazing to me.

Blogger Urban Chick said...

i LOVE the geo-loc thing - must download, must download...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well.. it's like I thought!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

и всё эе: мне понравилось. а82ч


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