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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Gulf Coast Disaster

The worst case senario has happened. New Orleans has sunk. Coastal Mississippi has also sunk. Entire cities are gone. It is total devistation.

They have started to paint homes with dead bodies inside with a red X. Gas and oil, and who knows what other chemicals, have leaked into the flood waters. There are dead bodies and animals in the water, along wiht untold amounts of raw sewage.

IF the people are not taken out of there soon, disease will spread. Disentary and Chloera will kill many people. The death toll of this storm is going to reach thousands.

SOMEONE needs to answer to the public here. WHY are there no services for all the people? Where is the National Guard? Where is the US Navy? Only the Navy has the equipment to move the people out over the water. Where is the Air Force? They have choppers and airlift equipment. AMERICANS IN AMERICA need that stuff right now!!

But it is all in Iraq. You know, keeping us safe from weapons that were never there. Helping to set up another Islamic State and start another Civil War, just to secure $3/gallon gasoline and record profits for some companies (companies who happen to have connections to the people who wanted the war in the first place).

This is a criminal act. When the Guard was activated to send overseas - people said that this could happen. A large natural disaster could occur, and recovery efforts would be hampered by the lack of assets here. The war-for-oil side said it would not happen.

Well, it happened. And right now, people are suffering and possibly dieing. People are in desperate need of rescue and support services. And the people that COULD BE doing these things are somewhere else.

But will any media outlet bring this up? No. Will the president say anything? No. All I have seen so far is a LIE about the numbers of National Guard available. Supposedly, there are 31,000 National Guardsmen in the three states hit the hardest - but only 10,000 have been activated. This does NOT compute! Why have only 1/3 been activated? Is the disaster not big enough for full activation?

This is very upsetting to me. All over the TV all I see from that area is 100% human misery. Yes, people are trying to do the best they can - I already mentioned that I think the US Coast Guard is doing an EXCELLENT JOB! Of course, I would expect nothing less from the Coast Guard. Whenever something water related happens, the USCG is always there to render help.

But this rescue mission is bigger than the USCG. They simply do not have enough assets for the sheer scale of the damage. I am shure it is very stressfull for the Coasties who are trained to rescue people - having to pick and choose who to rescue. I can not imagine what it must be like to have to make that choice.

So Mr. President. How about an answer to this question. Why is the Guard not available to do the job they train for, but in Iraq doing front line stuff that they do not normally train for?

This really is a criminal action. People, AMERICAN CITIZENS, are not getting the help they need because that support was diverted away from the States.

Sorry, but I am pissed off at the government right now.


Blogger dddragon said...

I've had MSNBC on all day (home w/ the plumbers, what fun). They brought up the issue of National Guard and Reservists being away when they could be here to help with the disaster. I was listening from the next room and wish I could remember the reporter and the person being interviewed. He said that there were enough Guard from neighboring states to help and that they would not have needed the numbers that are overseas.

Our military is stretched too thin. And BRAC wants to cut back even more.

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

This Katrina disaster is really upsetting to me. How awful it must be for the residents. Heart-wrenching. Is there any way of rebuilding from the damage? Who is going to insure it? It could all happen again next year.

Blogger Fred said...

It reminds of of the response to Hurricane Andrew. Slow at best. But, once they got it going, it came on strong. I hope the same happens here.

Blogger GodlessMom said...

You're right, it is heart breaking. I'm really pissed off too. I obviously don't know everything there is to know about this sort of operation but 10K is nowhere near enough troops to handle this situation.

I just saw a report on CNN where they were talking to a nurse on the ground in New Orleans. She said that all her patients are sitting in their own feces and that the medical personell are getting sick now too. It isn't just injuries anymore. It is disease from filth. They were told they would be evacuated on Monday, then Tuesday, now Wednesday has come and gone and they are still sitting there trying to save these people's lives while they themselves are ill.

Blogger Lila said...

Huh. Good point. I have to admit, I hadn't thought of that angle. Geez. That's really pathetic.

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