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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Canada On Standby

From The Toronto Star, Canada told Bush that they had equipment, supplies, and people ready to ship out to The Gulf Coast.

But Bush did not take up the offer. Why? Is it that we do not need the portable hospital units (yes, more than one) that Canada offered to send? Do we not need the water purification units? Or the hundreds of experienced emergency services workers ready to ship out?

According to The Star, there are troops, ships, supplies, and more ready to go right now. So what is the holdup?

I think that the holdup is simple. It will be horrible press for the first tent hospitals set up to have the Maple Leaf flag flying over them. It will look bad for the first military transports to roll into a isolated neighborhood with water and food to be flying the Maple Leaf flag.

But the offical excuse is that the Pentagon is "analyzing what is needed". WHAT?!? Everything is needed. At this point analyzing what is NOT needed would take less time. I am an idiot and I have a good idea what is needed.

Politics before action eh? Bush drops the ball, and to cover his ass he puts help ready to go on hold eh?

Few people remember this. but Canada DID send help to South Floirda after Andrew. They sent a Canadian Navy supply ship with more than 250 people with the training to help rebuild. So it is not like the offer is just so many words - they do have people who are experienced in these matters.

And yes, more is needed than one support ship, or a portable hospital. But at this point, turning down help offered by our neighbor to the north is insane. People need that help right now. And the people who need that help could give a crap less whose flag is on the bottle of water, flying over the hospital, painted in the trucks, or sewn onto the uniforms.

I would hope that the Pentagon takes up the offer of help soon. Any logistical issues need to be worked out very quickly. The important thing is not who gets there first, the important thing is that someone gets there as quickly as possible with the stuff people need.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadian water taste better than the water from Medely the slum of Hialeah that was handed out at the Miami-Metro Zoo after Katrina.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

This is just making me MORE angry!

I need to write a letter to this man on my blog for my own sanity!!!

Blogger TLP said...

W. is a Moran. Just a jerk.

Asoshfiy: (this really is the word verifier!) George W's ass should fly - or fry --

Blogger dddragon said...

{{shaking head}} I just can't believe all this mess.

Blogger Lila said...

It is hard to believe. Geez.

Blogger Fred said...

Bring it on - they could have been there by now. I don't get it either.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

You are 100% correct. I couldn't have said it better myself. I do understand... Bush doesn't want to look any worse than he already does. What he doesn't get, is that it makes him look so much worse than if he threw his ego to the side and accepted the help these people desperately need. As usual, lives are in jeopardy due to his pride.


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