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Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Next President Of The United States?

How about this guy for the next president?

In case you are living under a rock somewhere, this is Ray Nagin - Mayor of New Orleans.

On the 2nd of this month, he gave an interview to WWL-AM correspondent Garland Robinette. He said to the president, in so many words or less, "get off your ass and do something".

He said other stuff too. Click HERE for the transcript. There is even an audio link. If you have not heard the audio of the interview yet, you need to. It is great.

Keep in mind this link and story is a few days old already, and since then some help has arrived. But at the time, nobody had gotten off their ass. He pretty much sumed up all the problems with the federal response.

Anyway, if the guy does run for prez in 2008 I have some good slogans for him. If you read this Mr. Mayor, feel free to steal them. I can always come up with more slogans for you. You can pay me in the form of a boat. Email me to work out the details.

"Nagin. He will get off his ass and do something".
"Nagin. Putting the HOMELAND back into homeland security".
"Nagin. He will end his vacation early if disaster strikes".
"Nagin. He will fix FEMA before fixing an election".
"Nagin. Come hell or high water, you can count on him".

And so on. I do not think the man will run, I am just saying that after hearing the interview I would vote for him. If the next two choices for the top job suck, I will write the man in.


Blogger TLP said...

Sounds good to me. 'Course, we know the man needs a "home" base to run for anything. But he'll have time on his hands since there is no city to run.

Blogger Fred said...

I would respectfully disagree. He's a whiner. Why didn't he commandeer every single school bus in the city three days before the storm and get people out? Why didn't he work with the governor to have every single national guardsman (under control of the state) ready to roll? Why didn't the governor cancel school all over the state, bring in the idle busses, and get people out? BEFORE the storm was probably a good idea, but those two were clueless.

It's extremely easy to point fingers, anyone can do that. Nagin has done what's best to win him votes. Too bad there's no one left to vote for him.

This guy provided zero leadership. Zero. Here's a post that will help you understand my point of view.

I do agree with you that the feds were a disgrace. My point is that there are plenty of things to be learned, and the local and state authorities have to shoulder just as much blame.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

As far as I am concerned, we can have the defunct Bozo the clown as a replacement! At least he will have a colorful dress, and probably a sympathetic heart.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Funny, I saw the interview and saw the guy as crude and incompetant. I also thought that since HE knew (better than anyone) the state that his area was in, he needs to be careful. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Did I miss something, somehow? To me, chutzpah doesn't mean a good politician. It takes more than that.


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