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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bush Speech

I had another TV accident today. I seemed to have watched the latest Bush speech on one of the cable news channels. It does not matter which one, they are all the same - except for the assholes they put on the air. CNN's token asshole is Rick Sanchez, trust me when I say EVERYONE in Dade County knows all about this guy. We are happy he left town. There was much merry making when The Rickster got his ass on a plane that was going far away. We all saw to it that it was a one way flight. If he ever comes back, everyone promises to not sell him a house.

Fox has multiple assholes. There is Bill "The Caller" O'Riley, Ann "The Twit" Coulter, and a host of other assorted goons and douchbags.

But all this is old news. Moses first broke this story. It is that old.

Anyway, for a Bush speech what I heard today was fairly decent. He managed to NOT drool on himself this time! He has also learned to not try to use big scary words. His voters would not understand them anyway. He did not really say anything, just more of the same stuff he always says. You know, that we are winning the war, and that terror attacks HAVE been prevented even in the news does not say so (tell that to the people of London or Madrid), and so forth.

But the speech reminded me of something. You too can make your own Bush speech! It is fun and easy! Google "Bush speech writer", or if you like just CLICK HERE. There are many Bush speech writer sites, but this one I like the best. It is easy to use, and has a lot of words and phrases to choose from. There is another one that features a video of Bush giving your speech - but it is more difficult to use. If you want to see it you can CLICK HERE.

So there you go! Have at it! You can make any kind of Bush speech that you want! These are sites for everybody. You can make a typical Bush speech, or you can make a funny Bush speech. Whatever floats your boat.


Blogger TLP said...

What really floats my boat is a NO Bush speech. I hate the very sound of his voice.

Blogger Tom & Icy said...

We'll vote for you

Blogger Lissette said...

Hey Mr.Iguana wanna see what some other politicians are doing?;sid=2005/10/3/223530/406

Check out this article. Talk about infringing on certain rights! These people aparently have nothing better to do then come up with ways to curtail civil liberties and womens rights all in the name of "protecting children."

Blogger Lila said...

Thank you for the speech writer link! Fun stuff. He's a dope, that's for sure.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

They are all the same...He starts them by getting right to the point, or should I say, stuttering to the point. (this is not meant to make fun of stutters, but this man IS OUR PRESIDENT.)

Blogger GodlessMom said...

That speech maker is too fun! If he's going to ramble on and on about the same damned things all the time, we might as well have some control over it!


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