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Monday, October 03, 2005

Welcome To loony Land

It seems that the whole Judge Roberts thing is over. Bush got his man in. And as Chief Justice to boot.

Which makes me wonder. What do the other justices think about this? They hired some guy off the street, and did not promote anyone. What does this say about the way Bush thinks about the other Justices? If I were one of them, I would be looking for a new job. No promotions for anyone.

At any rate, it should have made for a strange first day at the new job. I imagine it went something like this.

New Boss: Hey guys! I am John Roberts, the new Chief Justice. I saw you all hanging out here drinking coffee and thought I would drop in.

Clarence Thomas: Love to stay in chat, but I just remebered I forgot to wipe after I took that massive taco night dump! I have to run before I get dingleberries from hell. I also think I forgot to flush, which was very rude of me. Where were my manners! I should go now and take care of this situation.

Other Justices: Yea, us too! We all forgot to wipe! We were all at taco night! You enjoy your coffee now, we will all sit around and chat some other time.

Hey, it COULD have gone like that. You never know. At least there is no evidence that it did NOT go like this. We have all had a job where a promotion opens up and they hire some jackass off the street to fill it. Nobody in the office likes new job dude when this happens.

But it gets even better. Not to be outdone by other appointments, Bush now wants to replace O'Conner with some unknown "not even a judge" lady. This was supposed to be Judge Roberts job - replacing O'Conner. Say what you will about Roberts, but at least he was a real judge before his appointment. In theory, he is qualified to be on the bench.

But now, the lunacy is creeping out. The job that was going to go to Roberts might go to a lady who was never a judge, while Roberts gets the top spot. Am I missing something here? The guy who can be replaced with someone with no judicial experience is going to be the Chief Justice.

Using lust a little Bush Logic, my cat Cornelius could be on the bench. His qualification? Cornelius promises to use the Constitution as a guide. And he has had experience making important decisions. There are three litter boxes in the house - he can only use one at a time.

For some reason, this does not shock me. It is in line with other Bush appointments. Make your college drinking buddy the director of an Emergency Management agency! Make your Texas lawyer buddy who thinks treaties that frown upon torture are "quaint". And now, someone who has never ruled in any case - not even in a traffic court case - not even on as guest appearance on Judge Judy - is nominated to the Supreme Court.

As the anti-tobacco commercials love to say - Welcome to crazy world!


Blogger Raph said...

How is Roberts nothing but a "jackass off the street"? He seems like a bright, experienced, and honest fellow to me.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

When a "promotion" opens up and experienced, qualified people already working there - ANYONE hired to take the top spot is a "jackass off the street".

Blogger Lila said...

I know what you mean... it is a strange way of picking folks.

Haven't seen ya around Pezland in a while, LI. Miss ya!

Blogger TLP said...

Well, none of us is surprised, right? Bush can get away with anything it appears.

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

Resign from the Supreme Court? Never! It must be the best job in town. You will never be fired. Every time you so much as burp, lawyers the country over will be analysing its meaning.

The best part must be voting just to be ornery. "I don't like your tie today, I'll vote against you."


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