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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Iguana Bin Drinking. Again.

I will admit this right now. I have been out drinking, so whatever happens happen. I will make NO APOLOGIES for whatever I type. You may like it - you may hate it. Either way I really do not give a squirt of rat piss. Agree with me, or disagree with me - it is a free country (for now anyway).
Whats with the drinking you ask? I went to a retirement party at a pop art gallery. The art sucked, I am obviously not a fan on "pop art". But there was free scotch and wine, so it was not a total loss. The "art" was SOOOO BAD, that I would not even wipe my ass with it. Every painting looked the same. Same style. Same colors. Same theme. Same one eye Picasso style profile people. In other words- boring as all hell. But the wine was OK, the scotch was Johnny Walker Black Label, and it was all free. Not even a tip jar.

OK now that we have taken care of the crappy "art", we can move on to some substance.

I might be a Marxist. Yea I know that in America you are not supposed to admit that you might be a Marxist, because that is some communist shit. But the people that say that are idiots who do not really understand what Marx was saying in the first place.

Take these port sales for example. I do not think ANY company should be running the ports - American or foreign. The Port Of Tampa should be run by....the County that Tampa is part of! The Port of Miami should be run by MIAMI-DADE COUNTY! The port of New York should be run by the NEW YORK PORT AUTHORITY! Not by ANY company.

This is a very Marxist thing to think. You see, if a private company runs a port they are doing it for one thing and one thing only - profit. I believe that 100% of that profit ought to go to the local government - not to some asshole in a suit that lives overseas. The local government can use that money to build roads, to lower property taxes, to fund parks, or a hundred other things. The asshole in a suit who lives overseas just wants to be richer, so they can spread more misery and evil on the world. Profit is what one gets when they exploit someone else. In a large company, like for example United Airlines, "profit" is that the top level managers get for doing nothing. Do they fly the airplanes? No. Do they bring drinks to the people on the aircraft? No. Do they load or unload bags? No. Do they check people in and give them boarding passes? No. Do they do ANYTHING AT ALL? No. They just show up. And get paid mega bucks for doing so.

And what misery and evil is spread on the world? Why not ask those DEAD PEOPLE killed by Union Carbide in India? Oh wait - you can't aske them, because they are dead. And all because a company put profits before safety. The manager who came up with the idea to build an unsafe plant in India, where nobody would care about an industrial "accident" - probably got a big fat bonus for what amounts to killing thousands of people. Is that not evil? People are on death row for killing one person - and yet companies are allowed to kill thousands without anyone going to jail.

Now I do not believe that Marx figured it all out. This is why I say I might be a Marxist. But yet his theories can not just be discounted as so much communist crap. I think the man was onto something. He kind of wigs out towards the end of his theory, but the rest of it is fairly solid.

There IS a class war. A cold class war. You are either rich, or you are not. Face it. You either work for a living, or you are lucky enough to be born into riches and never have to work a day in your life. Yes, there are some who through hard work and dedication become rich - but that is getting harder and harder to do. in the 80s, small business accounted for roughly 60% of all sales - today the same small business accounts for maybe 20% of all sales. Thanks to mega stores like Wal-Mart and Target. Think about it - where do you buy most of your crap from, a small business or a chain store? Do you think you are any different from anyone else?

This is exactly why I try to not drink too much. This is the kind of crap I think about. Believe it or not, when I am not drinking it is easier for me to just ignore all this stuff. This is because I am strange. Most people drink to forget, I drink to remember.

But is it wrong to believe that the working man should not live in poverty? Is it wrong to believe that someone who works ought to be able to afford to live? Is it wrong to belive that a pension should mean you do not have to eat dog food when you retire? Is it wrong to believe that a CEO who makes tens of millions per year in salary and stock options, while other full time employees who probably do more work in a week, have to drive used cars and live in rental apartments, should NOT be in jail? Is that last sentence even a sentence, and does it make any sence? Who the hell knows. Not me, I probably drank an entire bottle of wine all by myself.

I realize that not everyone can be a millionare. Not everyone can have it all. What you get paid is a function of your skills and education. The more skills or education you have, the more you can expect to make. Duh.

But greedy bastardism is a result of capitalism. And greedy bastardism is a direct cause of much human misery. Somewhere, there has to be a balance. When I find that balance, I will write a book and put it out on the internet for everyone to download for free. one should not profit from doing the right thing.


Blogger Lila said...

Hey, nice drunken rant! I like it! I might be a Marxist too. I've felt that way since high school.

I wish I had a beer right now.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I am having a beer right now. And I have to "work" tomorrow.

By the way, nice to have you back! How is TLP doing? Everyone seems to have forsaken my blog!

Blogger Lissette said...

You're a friend, I love you, but so is the artist you hate. I like his art, but art is very subjective so I'm not insulted at all by your drunken rant.

I completely forgot about the retirement party. I wanted to go, but I forgot it was yesterday, and I was in class anyways until 9pm so I guess I wouldn've missed most of it (the booze) anyways.

BTW, I just moved my blog to my own domain and onto Wordpress. It's now at I'm gonna leave the Blogger one up for now so I can catch anyone I haven't told I moved, but it won't be updated anymore.

Blogger TLP said...

Hi there! I'm just back home.

You're so cute when you're drunk.

I happen to agree with you on all this stuff. So you're a very smart man.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dads junkyards where full of modern art.. stack a few cars up and you have modern art! pile up some pickups..WALLAH! MODERN ART!

we're in the wrong business dude.. we can snatch up some shopping carts, a welder and a bus bench or two and make millions!


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