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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Easter (The Meaning Of)

It seems that it is almost Easter time again.

Now Easter is the most important time for Christianity. A lot happens at this time of year. There is Lent. There is Ash Wednesday. Good Friday. Easter Sunday. And in Canada there is even Easter Monday. And how can I forget Palm Sunday? Shame on me.

Jewish holidays often last over several days. Christianity has its roots deep Judisiam. Somewhere along the way, the idea of a holiday lasting several days got lost. Except for Easter.

Of course there is a reason why Easter takes up so many days. It is the most important holiday in Christianity. Without the whole "he died for the sins of man" Christianity would not be here.

So what does all this mean to me? Not a whole lot to be honest. I am not going to any sunrise service, I do not smear ash on my forehead, and I will probably eat red meat on Friday. I have to go to work on Easter Sunday, just as I have to go to work every Sunday.

QUESTION TIME! I do not get all the pagentry surrounding Easter. Of course I was not raised Catholic. So I never had to do the whole "40 days of lent" thing, and I was in my 20s when I first saw someone with ash smeared on their forehead. I could also eat meat on Friday if I wanted to.

My queston is does the bible actually say "smear ashes on your forehead on Ash Wednesday", "only eat fish on Friday", and "give stuff up for 40 days before Easter" - or was this stuff made up at some point by a long dead Pope?

Back to my main point. The meaning of Easter. And here it is!

The Cadbury Creme Egg candy. You can only get this item one time per year, so stock up! Once they are gone you have to wait another year to get more. I do not really like Peeps anymore, but when I was a kid I thought they were great.

And of course, on Fox they are at it again. Remember the "War on Christmas" by pagens like myself who are all Santa this and Christmas Tree that. Now the main bitch is that the evil forces of secularism is all Easter Bunny this and candy egg that. Yes, there is a "war on Easter".

To this I respond with a question. Who first associated these pagen symbols with a Christian Holiday? Why, the early church did! There is tons of evidence that the early church simply replaced pagen holidays with Christian ones. Christmas replaced the winter solstice festivals. The practice of worshiping evergreen trees turned into the "tradition" of a Christmas Tree. Pagen symbols of fertility became the "secular" Easter symbols we know today. Therefore one must conclude that the "war" was started by the church itself - on itself. Pagens did not decide to replace their festivals with some other religion, it was the church that had that idea. It was a great marketing strategy, it made spreading the new religion fairly easy. Keep all the same symbols and simply tweak the message a little bit.

Now for the million dollar question that you have all been waiting for!!!!

IF Easter is so important to Christianity, and Easter always falls the same time as Passover (the Last Supper WAS a Sader after all) - why is it that I do not get any paid holiday time? Flag Day is a paid holiday. Colombus Day is a paid holiday.

But for Easter / Passover time - no holiday time is granted. Does this make any sense to anyone? I think that I should be granted holiday time for at least one of these important days. I will give Flag Day back to my employer.


Blogger Lissette said...

BLESS YOU MR. IGUANA!!! I have been bitching about that forever, and have even been told that I'm satanic and evil and a devil worshiper because I've pointed this out!!!!

Damn ignorant Christians!!!

I was kinda bummed to find out that I won't be given any holiday time too. I could take a PTO day on Friday and claim that I'm Christian and I'm sure everyone would believe me, but nope. Not happening. I wanna save up my PTO for a good vacation with Mr. Incredible and little D.

Blogger dddragon said...

lol - when the kids at school were listing what they were giving up for Lent, one kid said "nothing, I'm Jewish" and one of my daughters said "nothing, I'm Unitarian".

And you're abSOlutely right about the early Christians taking over the pagan holidays. Many Christians don't even seem to know their own religious history.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

You're absolutely right, and yes, the ashes on the forehead and the rest of the silly stuff is all made up stuff that came after the Bible. It makes them feel good that they're doing something, other than actually working on themselves and really reading the Bible and applying it. I just cut out all the middleman, and don't even attend church often. I figure it's between God and I. And although Cadbury Cream Eggs are important, you are wrong about just how important they are: that honor belongs to Godiva Chocolates.

Blogger Lissette said...

Saur Kraut, not to bash or anything, but you need to wonder about the bible as well and not take things to literally in there. I'm sure you know this already.

I consider the bible a book of stories to use for the morals of the stories only, not to be taken literally. The bible is composed of stories that had been told over several years and then someone decided to finally write it down, so I have to wonder about the validity of some of the stories. It's like playing telephone: what's said could've been misconstrued.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

No matter what - I know this is true.

Cadbury Chocolate Eggs are only around for a limited time. So if you want some, now is the time to do so.

And do you know just how many people buy dozens of boxes of Peeps? I have heard reports of people buying cases of those things and keeping them in large freezers. Some people...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just moved to Canada dude- Good Friday is a paid holiday or time and a half if you decide to work it.


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