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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Plea To Fox News

So with this hurricane in Floirda, what do I see on the TV news? Reporters giving us "the story" from some beach. You know, wind blowing, rain falling, tree branches falling off, while some twit is standing in the rain saying something like "the wind is really starting to blow!". Duh. Its a HURRICANE. What did you expect, an ice cream party? Clowns throwing pies?

But I have changed my mind about the value of these brave reporters, going to these extreme measures to bring us the news! But why do they send the rookies?

So Fox News, please send Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Geraldo Rivera to cover the next hurricane. I think these three top notch TV news talking heads could show those field reporters a few things about how REAL news is made! They could give the world top notch fair and balanced reports of the storm surge from a category 5 storm! There would be no liberal "revision" history about things like flooded cities! Oh no - not with these news heavyweights on the job!

So please Fox, stick these three on the next beach where a hurricane is going to hit. Life jackets and safety equipment are for liberal wimps - so they will not need any of that stuff.

And CNN - if you guys are smart you will send the one and only Rick Sanchez to the same beach. If you do not do this, Fox will bury you in the ratings game. CNN - you need to send your "big guns" out if Fox sends theirs out. In a naval conflict a battleship will ALWAYS sink a pt boat.


Blogger TLP said...

I'm already tired of this hurricane. Are we gonna hafta get this excited for each and every storm that MIGHT turn wicked?

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

YES! For this means the "media" can report it as news for days at a time - allowing them to ignore other things are going on.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....still waiting for the 2x4 to come flying and knock the reporter the fuck out on live TV!


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